Chapter 4- Welcome Home, Jeager

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I get lost into those seemingly endless pools of dark water, as Eren smiles down at me. Did he just call me Princess?

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Eren smirks, leaning his head down deeper to my face. "Need me to fish it out for you?" He pulls his thumb up, resting it on my lower lip. He gently rubs, smiling at my trance onto him.

I then remember everything, our childhood, him leaving, never answering my desperate calls. I push his chest, making him stumble back, but instead of showing hurt, he just grins more, beginning to slightly laugh.

"What the hell, Eren? You just decide to show up out of nowhere? Whatever happened to answering my calls?" I exclaim, feeling my insides boil. I missed him so much, and he just distanced himself. I thought we would never fulfill our promise to reunite with each other again. He clicks his tongue, walking back to me, except this time, he wraps his arms around my shoulders, bringing my face into his chest. He deeply sighs, resting his chin on the top of my head. "I missed you so much..." I mutter, hugging him back. Following my embrace, he tugs me closer to him, squeezing me tightly. His hand runs up to my head, gently beginning to caress my hair/head. My heart pounds out of my chest having him this close to me. It's been so since I last felt his embrace.

"I missed you too, Y/N." Eren continues to rub my head, as he cradles me with the rest of his body. We stand, for God knows how long, just taking in each other's scents. I hear his heart beat against my ear. It was previously fast, but now it's gone down to a smooth rhythmic beat. All I can feel is his warmth, securing me, as his fingers touch my head/glide through my hair. But, the feeling ends, as he lifts his chin up from my head. I look up, meeting eyes with him.

"So... About that point..." He now grins. I scoff rolling my eyes. I pull away from him, walking over to my nightstand. I open the drawer and pull out my childhood diary.

When Eren and I were young, we competed over everything. Who could run the fastest. Who could eat the fastest. Who could breathe the fastest, I mean we were extremely competitive. And every time, I kicked his ass. I made him eat dirt so many times over the years I couldn't even count. And just to rub it in, I made a tally score. I flip through the yellow burnt pages, finally finding that page. The upper half of the page, following my name, is filled with rows and rows of tally marks. I can't help but slightly giggle at how many times I won. And, sitting at the bottom of the page, lonely, is a small name. Eren. Beside it, no tally points. I swallow hard, sighing. I take the pen that's hooked onto the back of the book and click it to a satisfying open. The pen guides itself to the sheet, hovering over the blank space next to his name. Eren grips my shoulders, watching in anticipation.

"I never thought I'd have to do this." I groan, but push down on the paper, writing a diagonal line. I let out a loud sigh as Eren jumped up, happily cheering.

"I finally beat you to something!!" He exclaims, smiling wildly. He hasn't changed a bit. Watching him makes me smile. I'm glad we still compete. Cause I'm gonna completely crush him at everything college related. "I think this deserves a celebration!" He grabs my hands, pulling me up from the bed. "Wanna get drunk together?" He asks, pulling our faces mere inches from each other. I slightly giggle, pushing him off me.

"I'm not drinking with you." I gently push his shoulder. He scoffs, his jaw dropping.

"What did I ever do to you?" He asks, a hint of sarcasm ringing through his voice. I just laugh it off, looking down towards my phone, which I pull off my bed.

"Did you know Armin and Mikasa go here too?" I ask, meeting eyes with him. His expression turns to genuine shock.

"Really?" He asks, his voice now solemn. I nod, gently smiling at his new sincerity.

"Mhm. We were planning to meet at 6 after we all got into our apartments. That's in about 30 minutes... Care to be my unexpected guest?" I ask, holding out my hand for him. He smiles, taking it and grasping it firmly. He gets closer, smiling at me.

"I still want a rematch at our arm wrestling competition." He grins, touching our foreheads together.

"You're on." I bluff, knowing full and well that he'd totally beat me. 



Aaaaahhh butterflies I tell you. 

I would turn into a dog for Eren I swear.

Also sorry if this chapter was kinda eh, it's more of a filler and context chapter than anything

Anyway I have a bunch of chapters pre-written so I'm going to publish those daily until I run out, give or take about 4 or 5 more.

Once all of those are finished, I'm going to try and get on some sort of uploading schedule but it might vary because testing season is coming up 😃

But it will just depend and I would rather my writing be of higher quality than for it to be pushed to reach a schedule.

So we will see! And again thank you for reading!! :)

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