Chapter 5- Our New Life Together

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I happily skip down the sidewalk, Eren trailing beside me. He casually walks, hands tucked into his pockets, obviously trying to act as intimidating as he can. And it's working. I've never seen someone look and act so hot, but then switch up into an annoying 10 year old kid in mere seconds. But it's what adds to his charm. We approached the place Armin texted me. It's a sushi restaurant, which is a favorite of the entire group. Eren's face beams as he sees the sign.

"Sushi??? Fuck yeah! Our first time eating sushi together in 10 years!" He grins, bringing me closer to him. I smile at his enthusiasm. This was going to be a phrase I would hear for months on end.

He grabs my hand, practically dragging me into the restaurant. It's slightly past 6, so everyone has probably already gotten a table inside. As we enter, a heavy smell hits my nose. It smells amazing, bringing back memories of all the sushi restaurants I went to with everyone. The walls are red, covered with picture frames and decorative items. In front of us is a desk, with a polite looking woman behind it.

"Welcome! A table for two?" She asks, shuffling through menus behind the desk.

"No thank you! We should be meeting up with a group who reserved a table." I note. She flips through her book and then gasps, seeing some name.

"Reserved for Connie Springer?" She asks, smiling up to me.

"Yes! Thank you!" I say.

"The table is right this way." She grabs two menus, and walks to the right side of the divided restaurant. We carefully follow behind her, and in the distance I begin to hear the loud voice of Jean become closer. We approach a table in the back, and I see a familiar blonde hair poking out from part of the booth. It's one of the rounded booths that is almost in a full circle. There's enough room on the ends for me and Eren luckily.

"Here you are." The woman sets the menus down, and then walks past us. I slowly approach in a worried sense. What if they freak out?

"Hey, Y/N!!" Armin exclaims, as he sees me, but his voice trails off when he lays eyes on Eren. Mikasa follows us with her eyes and seems shocked by his presence too. "Um... Who's this..?"

I take a deep breath. "Armin, Mikasa... Neither of you will believe this, but my roommate ended up being-" but before I can finish my sentence, Jean blurts out.

"Oh not you fuck-head!" His view is straight at Eren. Eren scoffs, scowling.

"You've gotta be kidding me." He groans. I look between Eren and Jean, wondering what the hell is happening.

"You know him?" I ask Jean, gently pointing at Eren.

"Of course I know Jeager, we're in a goddamned band together."

"What???" Both me and Armin shout at the same time, us both confused at different things

"You're Eren???" Armin gasps.

"You're in a band???" I shouted immediately after him, shocked at how little I knew about his life. He gently chuckles, scratching the back of his head.

"Yes, it's me, Eren. And yes, I play bass in our band." He sighs. Me and Armin exchange shocked looks before we both grab onto him.

"I can't believe you're back!!!" Armin cries, gripping onto Eren's side.

"I can't believe you're a bassist!!!" I also cry, hugging his other side. Eren let out a loud groan, pushing us both off him.

"Alright, thank you fangirls. But I'm hungry so let's sit down." He walks to the side but gently grabs my waist, pulling me along with him. I feel my face get hot as he tugs me along with him. Why is he so touchy suddenly? Ever since we reunited he's been all over me. I don't remember him acting like this. He holds out his hand, motioning for me to sit down first. I graciously agree, scooting down next to Jean. Across from me is Mikasa, Armin on the other end of the booth. Sasha and Connie sit in the middle, both happily munching on the appetizers.

"We already ordered your drink, Y/N but since we weren't expecting Eren we..." Armin's voice trailed off as he finishes his sentence. Eren shakes his hand, smiling.

"No worries, I'll get one when the waiter comes back." He reassures. As I scroll through the menu, the table gets oddly silent. I look up and see everyone's eyes are on me and Eren. I look over and notice his arm is around my shoulders, and his hand is gently caressing my shoulder. I feel myself flush, my face growing red. How did I not feel that?? I look up and see Mikasa in a trance at Eren. I can't tell what her emotions are, or how she's feeling. She looks- numb almost. It's enough to make me shudder. However, the awkwardness it cut short, when a new round of appetizers comes through. Sasha gasps in delight, practically grabbing the plate of pot stickers right out of the waiter's hand.

"YUMM!" She exclaims, shoveling them in her mouth in an instant. I can't help but giggle as she obliterates them, while Connie tells her to chill out. The once bustling table continues as people start to happily talk amongst themselves. Thank goodness everything's back to normal. However, I notice Eren, slyly leaning on the table, looking directly at me.



AaaaHHHHH I'm so excited for the next chapter you have no idea.

There's a sexually suggestive part in it, so beware, but I had to include it for you horny mfs.

And yes, I made Eren a guitarist. But how could I not??? Dudes who play the bass are hot as fuck.

It'll have more meaning than just another way for him to be hot, don't worry ;)

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