Chapter 9- Code Red!

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I walk up to my apartment, pulling out the new key Hange gave me. I have my old one but its more fun to use something brand new. I go to open it, when the sounds of voices can be faintly heard from inside. I swallow, before opening up the door. As I step through, I see a blonde man, sitting on the couch next to Eren. He holds a beer bottle in his hand, and a red hue covers his cheeks. Don't tell me this guy is drunk. Eren sits with a beer can in his hand, also looking visibly intoxicated. Ughhhhh. I close to door, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Y/N!" Eren exclaims, jumping up and rushing up to me. He embraces me in a huge hug, giggling as we touch.

"Eren um..." I mutter, pointing over to the man on our couch.

"Oh ehe. That's Hannes, my godfather. He came overrr and brought some beeerrr and we've been having a fun night." Eren giggles, holding onto me with one arm.

"You must be Y/N, it's nice to meet youu." The man hicks, taking another sip of his beer.

"Nice to meet you too, uh Eren it's getting late uh..." I don't want to say I want Hannes to leave, but I do. He seems to get the hint, even when he's drunker than ever. He walks over, patting Hannes on the back.

"I think it's about time I head to bed, we have a big day tomorrow." He notes, causing the man to stand up.

"Good luck, kid." They give a small hug, before Hannes walks towards me and the door. "See you around, Y/N." He smiles to me before heading out. As soon as the door closes behind him, I get ready to go to the kitchen, but I'm pressed against the wall. I gasp, as Eren pins me to the wall, looking down at me. I can smell the beer on his breath, and his face glows a deep pink.

"Eager to be alone, huh?" He smiles, bringing his face closer to mine. I get flustered, shaking my head.

"N-no!! There was a random drunk dude in my apartment of course I wanted him to leave!"

"Righhtttt." He hicks, still grinning. "Want to play a game?" I swallow, trying to push out of his grasp.

"No, I'm really tired from today." I try and convince him to let me out if his grasp.

"Well then let me help relax you." He smirks, leaning his head into mine. What what what what whaaatt?? I am completely frozen as his lips collide with mine. Immediately on impact I taste the bitter flavor of beer on his lips. He gently holds my face, as he holds the kiss for quite some time. He finally let's go, taking a deep breath afterwards. He lifts his head up, grinning wildly. "Oh that was better than I've imagined it, Princess." He deeply sighs, radiating happiness. I take this opportunity to break from his grasp. He still stands there in awe as I move to the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it with water, walking back over to the drunken man. I pull his shoulder, forcing him to sit down on the couch. He giggles, seeming to have lost his sense of reality. How much did he drink??

"Here." I sit down next to him, pulling the glass up to his face. "Sober up. It's your first day tomorrow and I am not walking in with a hungover guy." I pout. This doesn't seem out of character for him, but I wasn't exactly expecting it either. He takes the drink and to my surprise begins to drink it. Thank you, drunk Eren. You're making my life so much easier.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

I grab my bag from my floor, closing my door from behind me. My toast jumps out of the toaster as I gather all my belongings into my purse. I originally was going to walk to school with Eren but after the events of last night, I don't exactly want to see him. So I make him a piece of toast, and leave it on the counter for him. Hopefully he still loves strawberry jam and cream cheese. I remember that bring his favorite combination as a kid and he would always hype it up. Let's hope I made it as good as his mom. I leave a small note saying "Good luck with the hangover" with a small smiley face. I take a deep breath, making sure I have everything. After I've double checked all my supplies, I go to wake him up. I grab a pillow from the couch and open his door. I first knock on the wood, to get his attention. He sleeps on his stomach, one hand around a pillow at his side. He gently snores, as one of his legs dangles off the side. I knock harder, which makes his head begin to move. I pick the pillow up and chuck it at his face. It hits him right in the head, causing his entire body to now move. I waste no time to bolt for the door. Even though I don't want to see him, I still want to make sure he's not late for his classes.

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