Chapter 20- Selfish

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With a harsh push of the doors, Hange bursts into your apartment, letting you shuffle in behind her. They lock the deadbolt as you enter inside, looking around your apartment.

"Where's your bathroom?" She asks, recieving a light point of your hand to down the hallway. With no further instruction, she vanishes down the hall, leaving you to yourself.

You stand awkwardly by the plush couch, hardly being able to look at it without being reminded of the toxicating memories of your roommate. His rejection stung. Harder than any insect.

Cutting you off from your thoughts, Hange appears from the hall, holding a towel of yours.

"Here, dry up. Once you're done go change and grab a blanket. I'm going to run to the store and grab you some snacks." She smiles, wrapping the towel around your shoulders.

"Wh-what? Hange you've already done more than enough you don't need to do that." You hold out your hand, trying to stop their determined stance.

"Don't worry Y/N. I don't mind and, I know this is what your mother would want me to do. That's all the validation I need." She stares at you, softly smiling. Her last comment makes your heart flutter with happiness at the thought of your mother. It had been a while since anyone had treated in a way your mother did. It made sense, Hange's protectiveness over you. "If the bastard comes, just pretend you're in a cocoon." They giggle, swinging open the door, and in an equally swift movement, shutting it behind them.

You swallow down your sadness, deciding to follow her advice and go dry off and change into proper clothes. After changing into a soft pair of pajamas, you walk back into the living room, blanket wrapped around your body. You sigh, hopping down on the couch, already exhausted from the day alone. Although it disdains you, your eyes move to your phone, where your intrigue, hopes, pleads, everything you could have ever asked for could be answered. You hover over the device, slowly leveling it off with your eyes, only to see the icon of a new message. Heart stopping, you quickly press the notification, awaiting the message, and who it could possibly be from.

Ymir: You okay?

You sigh, wishing it had been from someone else, but still being grateful for the message nonetheless.

You: What makes you ask?

You patiently wait, seeing the 3 dots appear at the bottom of your screen.

Ymir: Not in Pixis' today. Knew the old man wouldn't care, but I know you're different.

You bite your lip, uncertain of whether to be truthful or not. Until, the three dots pop up yet again, silencing your thinking.

Ymir: I think I know what this might be about.

You squint your eyebrows, wondering what she could be meaning. Only a few seconds later, your screen is flooded with images, screenshots to be exact. The person on the right has your normal contact photo, the one on the left having the default silhouette. Your eyes widen, as you begin to scroll, reading through each of the "messages" you had sent. Each one containing cruel messages sent by "your" profile picture. The contact appears to be of one of the football players at your school, and the screenshots go on. You talk about Armin, saying things like he's "a boring freak virgin" and exposing secrets about him you promised you would never tell anyone. Same went for Sasha, and Mikasa, and Connie. And Eren. "You" had sent messages explaining how you were just toying with Eren because it was "fun" to you. Tears fill your eyes at the immense amount of screenshots of things you would never ever say in your entire life. And yet here they were. Right in front of you. You scramble to your messages, searching for their contacts, but of course, they weren't there. These had to have been faked right? But who would go through the effort of faking such messages to the max? This should have taken hours and yet they seemed to be in effect almost instantly.

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