Chapter 10- First Day

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"I'll meet you here after class, bye Y/N!" Armin smiles, then rushing off in the distance. I smile as I watch him walk away, and then turn back to the building. Here we go... I navigate inside, looking at my schedule to find the right room number. After a few twists and turns, I find it. Social Science with Pixis. I take a step inside and notice there's only a few other students here. I am a little early, so it makes sense. I notice a bald man sitting at a desk at the front. When he sees me, he gently smiles, getting up and walking over. 

"Welcome to Political Science! I'm your professor, Pixis. You can call me Officer Pixis or just Pixis, either one is fine." He waves to me. He seems very nice. I get curious at the officer one, but notice on the desk there is a veteran badge. Makes sense. 

"Thank you! I'm F/N L/N." I smile, reaching my hand out to shake. He takes it, graciously accepting it. 

"Nice to meet you Y/N. You may take a seat wherever you'd like. Class will start soon." He smiles, before walking back to his desk. I shuffle my bag on my back and then look at the seats. All the other students are absorbed into something else. I see a seat next to the wall on the left 2nd row and decide on it. That way I only have to sit next to one person. I head up the steps, and sit down, placing my bag on the wall next to me. I get on my phone and begin to do random things, text the group, check social media, what not. I get so involved that I don't realize how much time has passed, until I hear a faint voice. 

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" A feminine voice asks. I look up and see a tall brunette. She has freckles covering her face, and dark eyes. Her hair is put into a small, low ponytail. I gently smile. 

"Not at all." I slightly scoot over, giving her more room to sit down. She happily sits, setting her bag down. 

"I'm Ymir, by the way. I assume we're going to be desk buddies for a while, so might as well know each other's names." She smiles, holding out her hand. I graciously take it, gently shaking it. 

"Y/N. Nice to meet you Ymir." I let go of her hand. 

"Pretty name." She remarks, before turning her head to the front, when Pixis begins talking. Time for my first ever class...

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

Armin and I walk through the halls, searching for our class. After a few minutes of looking, we finally reach it, walking into the large classroom. Glad I only have one more class to worry about for today. So many people, so much stuff. I just want to go back to my apartment and sleep. But then there's the whole Eren issue, making it impossible to rest. 

"So... Professor Smith... I was wondering if I could have an opportunity for some extra credit?" A girl stands next to a older blonde male, who I assume is our professor. Me and Armin give each other a look, knowing exactly what kind of extra credit she was talking about. 

"W-wh... But it's only the first day?" The blonde stutters in confusion. This poor teacher. 

"Well... I want to get on my good grades early..." The girl leans in more on his desk. Armin puts a fist up to his mouth, lightly coughing into it, trying to hold back his laughter. I purse my lips together, trying to not laugh as well, when he gives me a glance. 

"Once moment, Disha." The man waves his hand, before looking at me and Armin. The girl pouts, stepping back slightly. "You two must be in my English Literature class, yes?" He asks, smiling at us two. 

"Yup!" Armin happily exclaims. I nod, walking up beside him. 

"Great. What are your names?" He asks, looking between us both. 

"I'm F/N L/N." I wave, smiling. 

"And I'm Armin Arlert." Armin also smiles, shuffling his hands in his pockets. The man smiles, checking his roster. 

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