Chapter 13- A Day Out

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I happily hum to myself, drinking some boba tea. My classes already ended, and the day wasn't too bad. Hange was, as usual, very hyper and having me for her first class of the day didn't seem to help. After class she asked if we could go get something for lunch together, and I happily agreed. So, now I wait for her to show up to this small food court in a nearby mall. I noticed a boba shop and couldn't help the temptation. 

The second day back hasn't been so bad. My psychology teacher is kind of weird, though. I heard a rumor that he's into torture. Yeah... After that class though we all ate lunch as usual. Eren and Armin won't even look at each other, but I guess that should be expected for now. I just want the two to make up already. As I think, the faint noise of Hange's voice rings through. I look up and see her looking around for me. I wave my hand slightly, which perks her attention. She rushes over to me, happily sitting down in the seat in front of me. 

"Hey hun! I see you already got yourself a drink." She smiles, looking down to my boba. 

"Oh yeah," I slightly giggle. "I couldn't resist." She brightly smiles again, standing up. 

"Come on! Let's get some food! I am starved!" She reaches out for my hand, which I happily take. For some reason, it's hard to see her as a teacher. Maybe it's because she reminds me of my mother. We rush to a food stall that looks good, and both pay for our desired meals. We find a newer seat, and sit down, directly under some shade. Hange happily begins to dig into her fried rice. I smile as she eats away, and I begin to eat my own meal. 

"So, how you liking the university, kiddo?" She looks up to me in between her bites. 

"Its nice so far!! The campus is really beautiful and I like my classes a lot." I smile, taking a bite of my food. 

"Who all do you have?" She asks. I think for a second.

"Smith, Pixis, Zachary, you, and Ackerman." I say, which makes her grin. 

"Hah! You have Levi!! Good luck with him!" She giggles, while eating her food. I raise an eyebrow to her reaction. 


"Oh Ackerman? We're close friends, he actually knew your mother. So did Erwin, but you already had his class." She notes. I slightly nod, looking down to my food. 

"Jeez, so many people here knew my mother more than I did." I lightly chuckle, which makes Hange pause. I snap out of my state and smile again. "It's nice of course." I awkwardly laugh, scratching the back of my head. I didn't mean to make the mood barren. 

"Yeah! She was a great woman." She hums as she eats her food. There's a bit of silence between us, before she clears her throat, and slightly leans in. "You okay? You look stressed?" She asks. I am taken back by this question but let out a small sigh.

"Boys." I grumble which makes her chuckle.

"Oh yeah, I get ya. What's the deal with the ones bothering you?" She asks, playing around with her rice with her fork. I lean back, taking a deep breath. For some reason I feel very comfortable talking to her.

"Basically before mom died, we used to live in this one village near Lake Garrison, and I was friends with multiple people, Armin Arlert, who you have on Mondays was one of them." The mention of his name makes her smile.

"You're friends with him? That's great! That kid is smart!" She grins. I happily nod, then continuing on with my story.

"I also was best friends with someone named Eren, and we grew up together, but he ended up moving away after his mother passed. And now, this same Eren is my roommate and he is non-stop flirting with me. And now him and Armin are in a feud because Eren is jealous of Armin." I let out a deep sigh. She groans, leaning back.

"Man, college guys are so whiny. Hopefully Eren gets his shit together soon." They laugh, which makes me giggle.

"Agreed." I happily take a bite out of my food, and get ready to say something else, when a new voice cuts me off.

"Oi oi, four-eyes. What the hell are you doing here?" A deeper voice says to my left. I look over and notice a short-ish man looking over at Hange. He has dark hair, that shades over his equally dark eyes. He's... Rather cute...

"Oh Levi!! Hey!! I'm here with Y/N! You remember her right!" My stomach drops at the mention of his name. This is my professor??? Ackkkk why do I have to be surrounded by hot men everywhere?? Levi's eyes trace over to me, and he stares blandly at me for a moment. I can almost see a sparkle flicker in his eyes.

"Why are you out with a student?" He sharply snaps, which makes Hange nervously laugh.

"Hey we just got lunch, Levi. You know you could join us if you really wanted." They dramatically elbow Levi's arm, which makes him scoff. "Besides what are you even doing here?"

"I had to get a birthday present for my niece. That nuisance..." He ticks. Hange giggles, and then practically drags him into the seat next to her.

"Come on Levi, join us!! We're almost finished and then we're going to do a bit of shopping!" She happily exclaims.

"Shopping? Since when?" I ask, worrying about my financial state. They laugh, smiling brightly at me.

"Don't worry, it'll be my treat!" She smiles, continuing to eat her food.

"B-but..." I begin to protest, but am soon shut down.

"I wouldn't try that, L/N. Once Hange has made up their mind, there's no convincing her." Levi speaks to me in a more soft spoken voice, and I can't help but blush slightly at the foreign softness.

"Well alright then..." I mutter, continuing to enjoy my food. Hange and I eventually finish our food, and begin our shopping adventure, with Levi trailing behind. Hange pulls me along, pointing out certain shops as we go.

"How about this one? The clothes are super cute!!" She happily exclaims, tugging me closer. I laugh, rolling my eyes as I am convinced by her bribing. We go through stores and pick out multiple outfits for me. I can't help but enjoy the day out. It's been a nice distraction from everything. I wonder what Eren will think of these outfits...



I am in pain writing these currently

I'm at the point in the story where I have reached a gap where I really don't want to just skip through days but it's going to be so boring if I don't and it pains me to do it because like I said I wanted to keep this story nice and long buuuuut nobody wants to read a bunch of boring school days where nothing happens so, there will be quite a bit of time skipping, but to balance it out, I will try and make the scenes where there is content much bigger. 

Also HOLY CRAPPPP 200 reads wow I'm just AA thank you all sm <3333 it means so much idk how I got so many reads so quick but I really hope you guys enjoy it I get so worried it's not going to be good LMAO so yes thank you for reading up until this point and I appreciate you sm!!!

Also I should finish with most of my stressful work very very soon, so that means much more writing in the future!! Finals are almost over and I can practically taste freedom (see what I did there? ;))

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