Chapter 21- Memories of a Distant Past

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Hange bursts through your door, for the second time that evening, expecting to see your tear ridden form once more. Instead, you sit, staring blankly at the television in front of you that displays a series of cartoon animations, none of which can capture your attention. Your features sag down, only able to retrace the thoughts of your encounter with Mikasa. Hange frowns, slumping down their weighted arms full of groceries. 

"How you doing, hun?" She asks, quickly placing the groceries on the coffee table in front of you. Your puffy eyes crease, as a lump forms in your throat. Explaining what happened seemed too painful, and thinking about it was even worse. 

"I should feel better, but I don't." You sigh, eyes beginning to water as you meet Hange's concerned gaze. They frown, hopping down on the couch next to you. There's a moment of silence, before her face lights up followed by her quickly rummaging through her grocery bag. 

"So. Your mother and I used to have this tradition that at every sleepover we had, we would always buy a certain bag of candy and share it." With a wild grin, they pull out a large bag of your favorite candy. You can't help but grin once you notice, Hange showing off it's packaging in all glory. 

"I had no idea mom also shared those with you!!" You heartily smile, face lighting up at the sight. Your mother had always shared those with you when you were young, apparently she had a reason. Hange quickly begins to open up the bag, whilst you go through the rest of the snacks she bought. 

"Hey um... How much did you know about your mother..?" Hange asks, still working against the tough plastic material. You bite your lip, eyebrows creasing together as you open a different box of snacks. 

"I mean, I didn't know a whole lot about her life outside of us. I knew you all existed, but besides that I don't really know." You looked down at your lap, trying to remember anything you could. 

"Your mother was... heh, something else entirely." Hange can't resist the slight chuckle that escapes their mouth. "You know. We actually met during a crochet class during our university days." She smiles brightly, almost as if indulging in the memories once again. 

"Really?" You slightly look up, a smile now creeping on your face. 

"Yep. I don't know why she didn't find me weird, I was over there in the back of the class crocheting a replica of the muscle system in a human body, I had an exam in anatomy a few days later and wanted to somewhat study but I digress. She approached me and sat next to me out of all people. She became my best friend from that day on. I still consider her my best friend." Hange smiles, just now managing to open up the tricky bag. She holds it out for you, to which you happily take some. 

"What was she like?" You softly ask. 

"Oh she was the most bubbly person I've ever met! I mean being around her was almost intoxicating, in a good way of course. She could light up a room from just her smile, and I mean that. Of course Levi found it infuriating at times." Suddenly their cheeks puff up, as they attempt to hold back bursts of laughter. "One time, your mother tried to get Levi to wear makeup! Can you imagine? Unluckily for him, your mother is also stubborn, she never gave up. Levi had passed out after an exam and Erwin let her in their shared dorm. Ah, it was over for him. Woke up with a face full of makeup and even a little ponytail." Hange now giggles uncontrollably, laying back in the sofa, chewing on a candy. "We all knew he secretly liked how he looked." They grin, placing their hands behind their head. You attempt to control your own laughter, as you too relax into your sofa more as well. 

"I had no idea you knew all of my professors for so long." You smile, looking over to her. 

"Yup, we were all best friends in university. I mean, I've been stuck with Levi for who knows how long and we grew as a group together." They smile, adjusting their glasses on their face. "Y'know. I kinda see all of us in your friends. You remind me so much of us when we were your age." Your eyes slightly widen as you meet her sincere gaze. They smile warmly, opening their mouth to add on, but are cut off from a small knock at the door. You freeze, bits of fear trickling down your body. Hange looks to the door, then back at you, tilting her head to the side, almost as if asking if she can answer it. You nod, lip forced between your teeth. They nod, getting up and walking over to the door. With a swing, it's open and from your angle on the couch you can't really see who is beyond the door, but your heart practically stops in fear nonetheless. With a nod, Hange moves outside, and a new bright head of hair walks inside. Armin shyly makes his way into your apartment, head hung a little low. You say nothing, allowing him to make his way over to your couch, where you huddle up in a blanket. He stops a few steps in front of you, head still facing to the ground. 

Suddenly, he hunches over towards you, carefully embracing you in a warm and messy hug. 

"I'm sorry..." He breathily mutters in your ear, his voice shaking. A few sniffles follow, and you can tell he's shaking. Your arms quickly wrap around his back, bringing him in closer to you. With your acceptance, his grip on you tightens, as he cries into your shoulder. You feel your own tears appear once more, falling gently down your cheek and onto your blonde best friend's back. His fingernails grip into the skin of your arm and back, as he heaves. 

"Armin..." You rub his back softly, attempting to soothe him the best you can. 

"I believed Mikasa over you, how could I do this to you?" His voice hitches as he begins to sob more, refusing to let go of you. You continue to rub his back, just allowing him to get his emotions out. It was something you were not expecting to see from him, but it was much needed. 

"What happened why are you... apologizing now?" You murmur, still holding onto him tight. He takes a few deep breaths, still slightly labored by his tears, but he manages to face you, eyes red and slightly swollen. 

"I followed Mikasa. I saw everything. How she lied to us, how she set you up. I... How could I have been so blind?" He shakes his head, tears still running down his cheeks. 

"Wait, why did you follow her?" 

"She rushed off in a hurry from our group. I thought something bad had happened, but... She was running off to meet you." He sniffles, rubbing his eyes gently. 

"So... That means you trust me now?" You ask, looking up into his glistening eyes. In a drastic nod, he quickly embraces you once again, this time more firm and loving. 

"Of course. I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm... Here to stay." He removes his head, showing his gentle smile once more. You couldn't help but smile. Especially at the thought of how you would get your revenge.  




how is everyone? Yes ik I'm back from the dead so scary ik

Now that summer is over and all of my stress is OVER I have so much time to do this!! I'm very sorry for making all of you wait but I'm going to make it my goal to finish this story before the end of the summer!!! I swear, as well as fixing up the early chapters so everything will be perfect and amazing :) 

I love you all and your comments are so funny help I've been giggling so much at them and I love you guys so much this has grown so much it's honestly really hard for me to even comprehend. 

also, for the final version I think I'm gonna get rid of all of these authors notes, so if you're reading this, you're extra special :) <3 

A Familiar FaceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz