Chapter 14- Eve of the Party

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"Hey, Y/N." I look up and see Ymir sitting down next to me. It's Wednesday morning in Smith's class.

"Oh hey Ymir." I smile to her as she begins to rumage through her bag.

"So, my party is gonna be this Saturday. Got that?" She looks to me, and I nod happily.

"Yup! What time?"

"It officially starts at 9. But normally you come later, so come around 10." She grins to me. I nod, and turn back to the front, as Smith begins to lecture.

After an hour, class ends, and I go onto my next class. Once Pixis has finished lecturing, I finally walk to the math building. It will be my first class with Levi... But I suppose I have to call him Ackerman.

"Hey Y/N~!" I hear someone hum to my side. I look over and see Eren happily walking to me.

"Oh hey Eren." I lightly smile, but am confused on why I am seeing him here out of everywhere.

"Don't tell me you forgot! We have this class together." He sighs, which makes my body perk up.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I've just been kind of out of it lately..." I mutter, looking to the ground.

"How about I help you snap back into reality?" Eren lifts up my chin with his finger, his eyes landing directly on my lips. My cheeks flush, and he slightly leans down. I don't really fight him though, deep down part of me wants to kiss him. But I then realize we're in the middle of the hallway.

"Aah! Not here!!" I exclaim, stepping back and covering my face with my hands. Eren snickers, ruffling the top of my head with his hand.

"So you want to do it in private huh?"

"N-no!" I blurt out flustered, which makes him laugh more. He gently takes my hand, and begins to guide me closer to the classroom.

"Come on. We don't want to be late."

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

"So, you're going to that Ymir girl's party tomorrow?" Armin asks, as we head back to our dorms.

"I think so. She's expecting me to go and I don't want to disappoint." I deeply sigh. Armin notes, looking forwards as he clutches his bag to his body. "So when are you and Eren going to make up?" I ask, which takes him by surprise. He looks to the side, sighing.

"I said something shitty, but I don't want to apologize to him. He still kissed you and..." He mutters. "I just don't want you to get used." I slightly laugh at his response.

"Armin, I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions. Besides... It's not like I disliked the kiss..." I blush to myself and my response makes him laugh.

"No way! Are you falling for Eren?" He practically gasps, and I laugh, embarrassed.

"I mean I don't know he's just really sweet. I never see him hang out with other girls like how he does with me. And he always walks me to my classes, and is flirty, and he's really attractive so..." I mutter, pressing my lips together.

"Ouuu someone's got a cruusssshhh... Eren and Y/N sitting in a tree. K..." Before he can finish I lightly shove his shoulder, laughing to myself.

"I don't know man." I can't help but giggle more. "Maybe I had feelings for him when we were kids and I just never knew."

"That is very possible. I mean you always insisted he be your partner for anything in school, you always tried so hard to beat him. I think you've always had a crush." He smiles to me. I roll my eyes to the side, but feel the blush remain. "Whatever the case, I'll let you decide on your own. I just get over protective of you, you know. I feel like I'm your older brother or something." Armin notes, and I smile. 

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