Chapter 22- A Slap To Senses

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You sat flat against your wall, allowing the atmosphere of your lone room to engulf you. It was silent, both Armin and Dr. Zoe had left hours ago, their encouraging words continuing to ring throughout your ears. 

"Tell him the truth, Y/N!" Armin had his hands placed over your own as he bit his lip. His fingernails brushed against the surface of your skin as he almost begged for you to embark with his plan. And you couldn't deny it. You wanted Eren back more desperately than ever, in any way you could get him back. The feeling stung in your soul, inching you to be pushed over the edge closer and closer, until you gave in, awaiting the man who you loved most. There was still silence as you patiently waited for him to arrive. Only then would you tell him, only then would you explain... But... Emotions boiled inside of you, threatening to spill out at any moment, emotions that were not part of the original plan. You almost wanted to hate Eren for believing Mikasa so easily, to completely disregard all of the intimate moments the two of you had. 

And there he was, entering through the door, quicker than normal, almost in a rush to get into his room. So, you did what you had been planning, quickly stretching off your own bed and marching into the hallway. His bedroom door was slightly ajar and as you emerged from your own, so did he. He held his guitar case in one hand and a folder in the other. His grip was dangerously tight, you could notice the veins popping up from his forearms and the back of his hand. 

"Eren!" Your voice is louder and more intense than you had intended, but it was too late to back out now. Just seeing him, envisioning the last time you had saw him only hurt you more. He glances over his shoulder, dark eyes appearing darker than normal. You took the new opportunity to bring your hand to the side of his face. He slightly recoils, dropping both materials, the folder falling to the ground and spilling out each of the papers hidden within. One hand moves up to cup his cheek, as his body now fully faces your own, and rather than an angry grimace he seems genuinely shocked, his sharp features melting into something more soft and sincere. "How could you believe Mikasa over me! I- I mean goddammit!" You huff, all of your built up anger spilling out and all over Eren as he stands there, still dumbfounded. His eyes trace over your own, noticing the harm and anger fueling them. 

There was a brief moment of silence, where you continued to breathe, each heavy and exasperated as you attempted to calm down your emotions. Eren still stood there, hands empty, but no longer clenched. Rather than keeping them alone, they reach up to cradle your face, and in an instant your lips are no longer lonely either, as his gently meet with your own. His fingertips melt into your skin, as his lips swipe yours. Your anger filled body seizes slightly, as you indulge in the sweet taste of his own lips. It reminded you of the night of Ymir's party, where you and Eren had danced and then moments later shared a kiss. You remember how sweet it was, yet his eagerness was evident. But now, your kiss is slow, passionate. Nothing like the past kisses you shared with the man. Granted the other two were whilst he was drunk. 

Your hands reached up to his face, now touching the soft skin, along with the place where you had slapped him. It burned in a slight heat, and you did your best to rub it, almost symbolizing in a way that you were sorry. Anger had overcome you, and even though it wasn't part of the plan you and the others came up with, it still happened. There was no backing up from it. Eren's hands now shift down to your waist, in which he gently tugs towards him, refusing to let you go. Your lips were still connected, delicately peppering each other, and the tension between the two of you seemed to melt away within the confines of your kiss. But... you had to breathe. 

In a gentle motion you released from his mouth, immediately working towards claiming your breath back. Eren removed too, but he did nothing to hide his smirk. 

"I love the kind of girl that'll just slap me." You smiled back, feeling your embarrassment grow with his teasing. 

"And I love you, Eren." You breathily admit, wincing as the words spill from your mouth. His eyes widen in shock, his smirk immediately dropping into an expression of both bliss and sadness. 

"" He mutters, arms now lifting to gently hold your own. You nod, a smile creeping on your lips. 

"Yeah. I always have." His eyes melt, the slight glistening of tears tugging at the corners. You could tell it was taking everything in him to hold back his tears. "But... So does Mikasa. Which is why this entire thing started." 

"Wait what? Mikasa has feelings for me?" He squints his eyes, his head tilting lightly to the side. 

"Yeah. She was jealous of us so she snuck in our apartment and took my phone and created all this shit. Eren, you have to believe it wasn't me. Armin is a witness!" You didn't mean to practically beg him, but the situation was dire and you couldn't hold back your emotions once again. You were desperate for him to believe you. His eyes looked over to the side, but almost instantly came back to you. 

"I believe you. I'm sorry I didn't earlier." You feel an instant lift of weight off your shoulders, his forgiveness being the only thing you desired recently. 

"Well, I slapped you for it so, I think we're even now." You couldn't help but smile, which made him also begin to brighten up. 

"Well, princess, I have to get to band practice, y'know. Reiner's gonna kill me if I'm late again." Your heart melts at his nickname, and the sense of unease seemingly erases from your body. You nod, letting him go carefully, still watching him. He goes down to pick up the pieces of paper, which are covered in layers of scribbles, red ink, blue ink, you name it. After pushing them all back into his folder he grabs his guitar case. "I'm off, darling. We will talk more about this when I get home, yeah?" He smiles, gently giving you a salute before walking off and out of your apartment. As soon as the door shuts you feel your entire body rush in adrenaline and happiness.  

° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ ° (Eren's PoV- 3rd person)

Eren knocks upon Reiner's door, only a few seconds later the blonde opens up for him. 

"Strike number 2, Jeager. You're skimping out on us, man!" Reiner lets Eren in behind him who just groans at the scolding. 

"Yeah yeah, I've been busy." Eren rolls his eyes, walking through the hallways and downstairs into the basement where the band normally practices. It saves Reiner some arguments with Annie. The rest of the band are in their normal positions, either on their phones or tuning their gear. 

"Yeah too busy boning that one chick." Eren harshly elbows Reiner, earning a hearty laugh. "Kidding man, kidding. We were just checking out our song list. Have any ideas for what we should practice?" Reiner walks with Eren to the rest of the group. Eren appears slightly flushed but quickly shuffles open his folder. 

"Yeah um... I have an original piece I've been working on, I was wondering if you all would help test run it with me?" He scrambles to grab each piece of paper, holding the music sheets for each member along with his own copies. Reiner examines the paper given to him, reading over the lines carefully. "Mind if I sing this one?" Eren asks, his slightly flustered appearance remaining. Reiner chuckles, his eyes not leaving the paper. 

"No way, Jeager. Your dumbass actually wrote a love song. And a decent one at that." Reiner continues to brisk through it as the other members read along through it. 

"Oh shut it, man. I'm sure Annie would let you get laid more if you did." Eren teases Reiner, to which Reiner laughs. 

"Whatever you say. Can't promise we'll nail it but let's give it a try once everyone's got the idea." Reiner begins to set up to prepare, while Eren does the same. However, the only thing he can think about is your face. 




I actually like this chapter sm aaahhhhh lets go

I love all of you guys sm :) thanks for the support <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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