Chapter 1 - What to Do, My Girlfriend Thinks I Gave My Roommate a Blowjob

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Chapter 1 – What to Do, My Girlfriend Thinks I Gave My Roommate a Blowjob.


Wei Rusong walked listlessly down the corridor, dragging his luggage that had already lost a wheel. Like in an epic novel, with disasters at every turn, the start of the new school year was filled with an air of competitiveness; yet knowing that he was just an extra made Wei Rusong depressed.​

While climbing the stairs, Wei Rusong had damaged his cheap luggage by losing a wheel on the way up. This gave him a bad premonition. However his girlfriend, who happened to be known as the prettiest girl in class, was joining him for lunch— so he hoped he was wrong. Wei Rusong looked at his watch and estimated that it was about time for her to arrive, so he moved energetically towards his dormitory. His room, number 325, was located on the third floor. It was positioned at the end of the corridor, and to be shared between four people.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, due to Wei Rusong being last on the register, he was assigned to this room alone. Although, while being elated and celebrating in the bathroom, he slipped on a bar of soap and ended up lying on the bathroom floor the entire evening.

Setting the luggage down, he took out his key and tried to unlock the door, only to see that the door was unlocked? Wei Rusong appeared clumsy, but he was a meticulous person, so it was very unlikely that he had forgotten to lock the door.

Upon opening the door, he spotted a messy pile of shoes in the entrance-way. Glancing at them he realised that many of them happened to be limited-edition Air Jordans?! Another peculiar thing was the sound of water coming from the bathroom that was just next to the entrance. Someone actually dared to trespass on his territory?

Just as Wei Rusong stepped forward, he tripped on one of the expensive shoes and fell forward, in front of the very well built naked person, who happened to exit the bathroom at the same time.

Thunk! Wei Rusong fell onto his knees; a dick now right in front of him. Not exaggerating, this dick was huge; no faults could be found with its size, shape or colour — definitely not losing to the dicks seen in western porn films. It was like a beast sleeping in a wet and dense forest. He felt the warmth wafting off the object onto his face and in his eyes — truthfully, it was a little off-putting.

“Rusong, Songsong! Are you done unpacking?”

Chen Xuanxuan’s voice could be heard outside the door. Wei Rusong panicked for a moment, how could he let his darling see a stranger’s dick?! He needed to sacrifice himself to save her. With such lofty ambitions in mind he steeled himself and reached out his hand to cover the dick — fuck fuck fuck, one hand was not enough to cover the beast, his hand was going to rot, fuck!

“Songsong, why is the door open?”

Panicking, Wei Rusong finally managed to use both hands to cover the object, but just as he was about to relax, a piercing shriek echoed.

“Ah—! You damned gay!”

Eh? Gay? How was he gay? Where was he gay?! Wei Rusong hurriedly got up from the ground, leapt across the pile of shoes on the ground and ran out of the room, chasing Chen Xuanxuan.

“Xuanxuan, I can explain, I’m not gay! You’re the one I love…”

“Shut up!” If the lovely Xuanxuan had one fault, it would be that her voice was loud, even more intense than a loudspeaker.

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