Chapter 15 - What to Do, I Had a Wet Dream In Which I Made Love With My Roommate

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Chapter 15 – What to Do, I Had a Wet Dream In Which I Made Love With My Roommate.


“Senior, what’s wrong,” Xiao Nian deftly carried Wei Ru Song who was huddling into a dumpling shape. “You recognise him?”

“He’s my classmate, infamous for spreading gossip,” the spreading of their rumours was definitely helped along by Liu Xing Hang, Wei Ru Song was not bearing a grudge, it was only that the memory was carved deeply in his head. “You still remember when I said that your dick was salty? He was the one who kept asking, then spread it around, damn it, the more I think about it the angrier I get, fuck I’ll go murder him right now!”

Wei Ru Song threw the blanket away about to get off the bed, only to be pushed onto the bed by Xiao Nian.

“Senior, calm down, maybe he won’t mention it? After all everyone thinks we’re a couple, isn’t it very normal to have sex as a couple?”

“Yes, you’re not wrong, but,” Wei Ru Song rubbed his face. “But… Nothing did happen between the both of us, I feel very wronged and judged.”

“If you want, something can happen.”

A thread of teasing could be detected in Xiao Nian’s tone, but his face was still expressionless, causing Wei Ru Song to stupidly ask.

“Something can happen?”

Wei Ru Song then realised, Xiao Nian was… teasing? Flirting? Instructing? No, not instructing, although Wei Ru Song was a little slow, he was not that dumb.

The seductive lighting fell upon Xiao Nian’s face, his eyelashes long enough to leave faint shadows on his cheek, his straight nose, perfect lips, Wei Ru Song felt that Xiao Nian’s face was too good looking to be real, he leaned forward as though he was possessed, only until he scented Xiao Nian’s shampoo, Wei Ru Song shifted his body, like waking up from a dream.

“Let’s, let’s sleep, sleep till tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have kiln-baked chicken!”

Having said that Wei Ru Song lay on the bed like he was shot and quickly went to sleep, but something felt weird, only when he felt the bedclothes brush his bare body did he suddenly realise- shit, nearly slept in the nude!

Thus Wei Ru Song frantically grabbed the clothes on the floor and put them on, then threw Xiao Nian’s clothes on to his face.

“Wear them, I’m not taking responsibility if you get impregnated tomorrow.”

Xiao Nian smoothly grabbed the clothes that were thrown on him and wore them, bade Wei Ru Song goodnight, closed his eyes and fell asleep. While falling asleep Wei Ru Song paid attention to Xiao Nian’s eyelashes, they were really very long…

Xiao Nian jerked awake in the middle of the night, like an octopus Wei Ru Song had held on to Xiao Nian, their bodies seamlessly joint together. Xiao Nian was hugged to the point he felt a little uncomfortable, wanting to push him away, but was afraid of waking Wei Ru Song. He could only slowly control his breathing, but then heard Wei Ru Song muttering.

– Was Senior about to sleep talk again? Xiao Nian groggily lifted his phone about to record, but was stopped by Wei Ru Song.



– I was exposed so quickly? Not waiting for a response, Wei Ru Song spoke.

“Don’t, Junior…”

“…” Xiao Nian found it a little amusing, he lazily whispered into Xiao Nian’s ear. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t, don’t touch-“

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