Chapter 22 - What to Do, My Roommate and I Kissed, We Kissed, We Kissed

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Chapter 22 – What to Do, My Roommate and I Kissed, We Kissed, We Kissed, We Kissed.


Previously when Wei Ru Song was chasing Chen Xuan Xuan he had never asked for help before, this was not the case now, in this situation, Wei Ru Song decided to call a friend.

The first one to be called was Huang Han, although Huang Fan was a prime example of a scumbag, but it had to be admitted that he was very good at chasing girls, whether his techniques could be adapted to chase a guy was however uncertain, but Wei Ru Song wanted to ask first anyway.

– Fan the dog, are you there

– here

– I want to ask you something

– Hold on, it’s inconvenient for me to type now, we’ll voice chat

Huang Fan sent an invite for a voice chat, Wei Ru Song accepted, he faintly heard someone next to Huang Fan swearing “Motherfucker”, the voice was very familiar, but Wei Ru Song could not recall who it belonged to at that moment.

“Hey, Ru Song, what’s with you?”

There were very strange sounds coming from Huang Fan’s side of the conversation, sounding like flesh slapping together, there were also sounds like wet surfaces rubbing against each other, occasionally interspersed with weak mumbling and heaving breaths , Wei Ru Song sensed that something was not right.

“What are you doing? Why is it so noisy?”

“I’m training my cat.”

Huang Fan’s voice was flippant as always, but there seemed to be a subtle sexiness in it, the slapping sound slowed down, “Pa! Pa! Pa!” The sound was loud and clear, no need to explain, it was clear what the sound was.

“Are you abusing the cat?” Wei Ru Song secretly thought that Huang Fan was truly an asshole, he actually abused animals. “Stop hitting it, it’s your pet after all. Let me ask you, have you ever play-flirted with someone, after playing for a while it seemed to start getting serious?”

“Ah? No,” Huang Fan first agreed, then thinking about it, “That’s not actually true, my currently relationship is just like this, but our situation is a bit more special, we were friends only to become lovers.”

“Huh? Didn’t any of you confess your feelings?”

“I did,” It sounded like Huang Fan was abusing the cat again, the noise loud enough to destroy the house. “He didn’t appreciate it, but since we see each other all the time, and we’re childhood friends, he also would. Not. Be. Rude. Right?”

“Huang Fan fuck your whole family hmm hmm- Ah… Oh!”

“…” Wei Ru Song finally recognised the cursing, it was Xu Yang Sheng! Fuck! Huang Fan and Xu Yang Sheng were screwing! I’ll never be able to look them in the eyes! Fuck! Xiao Nian and I have yet to screw but you guys are already there?!

“Please be clear, I’m the one fucking you now.”

“Ha ah–“

“Take your time playing,” Wei Ru Song could listen no longer, he held his phone away from him with two fingers along with the vulgar sounds, and quickly ended the call, “Have fun.”

Upon hanging up, Xu Yang Sheng forcefully flipped Huang Fan onto the bed, their bodies still joined together, he was so furious he trembled, his hands tight around Huang Fan’s neck, looking at the evil amusement in his eyes, he gritted his teeth.

“If I don’t fuck the shit out of you we’ll consider your asshole tight!”

Actually having been fucked for half a day Xu Yang Sheng was exhausted, to get off Huang Fan’s body was already very difficult, if Huang Fan had not supported his waist, Xu Yang Sheng would have been fucked into the headboard already. Looking at Xu Yang Sheng’s lack of lethality, Huang Fan “nicely” thrusted the weapon in his body a few times, Xu Yang Sheng could only give in and support himself on Huang Fan’s chest to prevent himself from falling.

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