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I huff exhausted from all the speed walking and watch as the guys halt short of the old building.

"Can I please catch a breath- I mean a break?"

I frown, the hot blazing sun only making this situation worser.

"There is CLEARLY a big distance between you guys and me! I don't have your giant legs ya' know!" I crouch for a minute before catching up to them unsure if they heard me yelling. Never in my life did I consider working out so much like I do right now. When they said train, I didn't know running like cougar was included. 

Damian, on the other end seems excited and pretends to jog in place.

"Part of the training is working out." He throws a water bottle at me.

In. This. Heat? With these jeans? Had they told me we would be running I would've brought lighter pants or shorts.

After a few sips, I regain my cool and inspect the old building.

"Isn't this the building we came to long time ago?"

Damian nods.
" Pravila's building"

I applaud him amazed at his memory.

"Oooo. I guess you have a brain."  I laugh seeing how Damian frowns at my comment.

"What are we doing here? Nobody comes through this area" Axel walks from one corner to another like an inspector before stepping inside the building. Afterwards we follow his lead.

"Remember last time we came?" Damian asks refreshing my memory.

"This is where the Nox appeared. It often lurks in abandoned buildings or old attractions were people often pass by and well hunts for prey there."

Axel budges in from upstairs.
"You think we'll find it here? What about Giselle?" He points at me worriedly, but I wave the concern away. Forgetting the fact that Axel still doesn't know I almost became the Nox's meal once. 

"I should be okay Axel. I'm not going to stay weak or hide like a coward forever. Sooner or later, I'll have to face this creature. It's me who he looks for." I walk past both men upstairs and pretend to inspect old dusty objects. But in reality, my fight or flight mode is kicking in. I fear I won't know how to fight this thing. Its appearance is vague to me, nor do I know what its weaknesses are.

They both catch up and continue searching for anything strange.

I cock my head to the side as memories come back but one thing, I'm curious about tickles my brain.

"Damian if the creature is from Elisora, how did it find his way here?" Axel and I both look at Damian as he taps on the Eclux.

I peek at it thinking it was some sort of Google search.

"Ooo does it give you answers like Siri?" I jokingly say but his mind is still on the Eclux.

"No. Eclux doesn't work here unless we are transporting to Elisora. Although, it has me thinking. The Nox can't find its way to another planet without having a means of transportation."

"So, you're saying someone brought it?" Axel looks around as if searching for the answer to his question.

"That's the only way"

Not quite grasping the idea I ask, "Sorry to interrupt but umm a little more explanation?"

"I was assigned here to find someone from Elisora. Which also relates to the Nox."

I raise my eyebrows and sit on top of a dusty brick until Axel offers his jacket. But I quickly wave it away.

"Long ago before the kingdom's princess was born, existed an evil sorceress, Laverna. "

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