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"Axel you came early!" Granny exclaims from behind the kitchen.

Still sleepy from unnecessary thinking about a certain someone, I yawn and fasten my apron following her gaze.

"It's so early in the morning Granny why are you..." My voice trails off as I see him standing there at the door, tall and proud, as if he was superman smiling at his people.

With those broad shoulders and strong bulging biceps his white shirt seemed to cry from tightness. Even the black apron strapped to his tiny waist, it made him even perfect.

"Are you going to say hi or you want to continue dozing off?" Axel grinned flashing his perfectly white teeth.

I blush under his dark green eyed gaze, giving me flashbacks just like the very first time we met.

"I..I was lost in thought sorry." I wave back at him avoiding his heart-racing energy pumping gaze. He chuckles ruffling my hair and moves forward to helping granny.

Axel, a 24-year-old well built ..and might as well add...abs-tastic man, full of charisma and braveness. Not only his physical appearance but his strong personality attracts a lot of young girls even elderly. And I mean. A. Lot. Tsk.

I sigh, resting my chin against my hand while "cleaning" over and over the same spot.

"You reaaaally love work huh."  I stare dreamy mode on. Watching as he works fast ,efficiently and graciously. 

"Well yeah who doesn't? You? Miss Lazy pants?" Axel laughs as he places the next set of dough inside the oven.

"Well..I mean. Nobody likes to wake up early in the morning especially Mondays. You're the weird one here."

I joke around and quickly set the trays of dough in the oven. Customers seemed to be piling up more and more. I panic wishing for a set of 8 arms, but thankfully Axel who is quick at customer service.

I can only think to the day Axel kept me company when granny was hospitalized for weeks.

Coming home from high school, I had found grandma eyes shut on the kitchen floor.
At the time, thankfully Axel was with me. The only friend who stuck with me as I cried helplessly and weakly knowing granny was the only family I had.
As granny recovered at the hospital, Axel came up with the idea of working and helping me at the bakery. Since then he has helped us both.

"That way I can keep an eye on you and make sure you are okay" Axel had told me while wiping my tears away.

He even would walk me home and check up on me everyday until I slept warmly at night.

My heart speeds up at the thought.

I glance at Axel, whom is busy trying to keep a distance from the annoying girls hovering over him, he really makes everybody feel something deep in the heart.

Including me.

I shake my head preventing from entering my dazed head.

I promised myself I was never going to be compromised with someone's man. Even though I have secretly liked Axel for ...years... probably since middle school...someone else was made perfectly for him.

I watch as Axel's blonde headed girlfriend, Marina, enters the bakery and steals an unnecessary slobby kiss in front of the audience.

My eyes bolt and quickly turn a different direction.

Suddenly, I see Granny running towards the oven .

"Giselle the oven!"

I gasp and run behind her, relieved that the set of donuts had survived hell because of me.

"Sorry granny" I lower my head in disappointment only to feel a light smack from granny's favorite spoon.

"Raise your chin up. It's O.K child." I look up and see her comforting smile.

I nod and apologize once again but my gaze feels driven away by the sight of a lovey dovey couple. This stinging heart just don't know how to quit.

Granny follows my gaze from behind the oven out into the counter.

I hear her sigh after me.

"Giselle, let's bake our signature croissants shall we?" Granny taps my chin then gathers the ingredients for our next tray.

I follow her and start mixing the ingredients into a bowl. Axel waves goodbye to his girlfriend and continues taking orders.

My hands press harder on the dough feeling the tension in every movement.

It's only been a year since they started dating.

Even if he belongs to someone else it's.....Okay.

Really. I never even had the courage to confess my feelings to him anyway. And I don't even think I ever will even if I have the chance.
Plus he is way too good for a shabby dull girl like me.

I am happy to be just his friend. It is totally fine with me. I just...have to be there for him.

As long as I am by his side when he needs me the most, it's okay.

Just like it has been for the past 6 years.

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