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"Here" Damian lets me down on a bench. My face grows red from embarrassment just to think of our eyes meeting, only momentarily do I blush until I realize we are back in my Earth. If I remember correctly, I entered through the portal with my own two feet, not by this dork's hands.

"Y-you didn't have to carry me like a baby you know." I turn towards the sunset noticing time is almost the same as in Elisora. 

"What happened back there?" 

I feel his gaze burn through my soul (or maybe is the hot sun). I seal my lips looking away once again, unable to speak since my hormones and blood keep racing.


But the truth is, I want to tell him. How do I throw the words at him and describe something that I nor he has seen in real life? Just in a dream? How to explain if I don't have a clue if it's real or not? Is this all an illusion or a hallucination? All I know is, the fear is real.

He sighs scratching his head like a kid brushing off sand residue. 

I peek at him unsure if he is frustrated, angry or what. This is my first time ever seeing him distressed.

"Giselle." He starts with this tone as if about to scold a child then squats down to my level. 

"I need you to trust me. Look. What I'm fixing to say may frighten you, but you are Elisorian. Something or someone out there definitely knows that and is after you. I can almost feel it in my bones. That something, may be the thing leading the Nox to you."

"I know. I think I know who it is." I fidget with my fingers, skin-picking the edges of my nails as if I don't have enough wounds.

"What do you mean?"

We both start walking back home as the sky turns purple twilight with blinking stars here and there. I finish explaining my side of the story only to see him stifling a laugh.

I frown having to think he had been paying close attention but just chooses to laugh.

"What's funny."

He bursts out laughing so hard, pausing for a few seconds then finally composes himself before pointing at my entire body.

"I'm sorry but you look like the kid from the jungle." 

"Have you been listening or not?" I glare at him 

He nods and pats my back.

"I was but I couldn't take you serious now since the lightening gave me a better view to see you."

My eyes grow wide as I see my reflection through our windows. I do look like Mowgli. With my hair all messy with leaves and mud on my face.

" referring back to the time I had that dream." I pause glancing at him making sure he is all ears. He nods and opens the front door of the bakery.

"It is exactly as I had dreamt. The minty odor, the green aura, even the voice. I just didn't see her face." I stare into a blank wall recapping the scenery from moments ago.

"I was afraid to look back and be caught like a mouse in a trap there and then."

Damian brings a warm cloth for me to clean up. I feel its warmth and wrap my hands in it, hoping this tangible cold goes away.

"Laverna." Damian ponders repeating the name again and again.

"Perfect description of her and the same woman from your dream weeks ago huh."

I nod confirming, which it's now popping to my mind the fact I never fully told him the entire dream. I left out everything but that Laverna.

"It's crazy to say but it could be possible. Last time I ever heard of her or any civilian heard from her was years ago." He offers a cup of tea and we both sip our tea leaving the question into the thin air.

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