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A breezy yet dewy tangible air engulfs my whole body, entering a flashy, cool, thready-like waterfall, pushing my body out to a steady solid floor, the same floor with many trees and sunlight rays everywhere. 

I land with a soft thud and soon after Damian lands perfectly like a cat with his tail up.

Oddly, this place looks exactly where we came from.

"Uhh Damian isn't th-"

Damian suddenly stands up cutting me short, flings me along his side, shouting behind his back.


I step on my speed, my lungs almost reaching its maximum capacity until I hear a loud boom, following that, quaking the floor for 3 seconds and soon after loud footsteps accompany it. Afraid to look back at the predator, I push the pain on my legs and keep running until we lose sight of the beast. Shortly we come to a path leading to an opened black gate with a few uniformed men rushing us to enter.

Damian pulls me to the side as we both watch people run to our rescue. They immediately close the gate while others use their hands aiming to the atmosphere above creating a bubble-like translucent shield following the gate all about until it fades transparent. I blink thrice to make sure It's not a dream.

I flinch seeing how the beast aims towards our direction and just like a mirror, is thrown back by its own force as it tries to enter our field. At last, it tires out and fades away. I fan myself, now realizing I had stopped breathing. I shut my eyes and digest some fresh air. 

At this point, I have so many questions racing at the back of my head, but dehydration is a needed answer.  Especially with whatever performance the people in black armor just did questioning my existence. 

"Umm... Damian who are those people and what came off their hand?" I shyly hide behind his back, thankful for his God given strong broad back to hide a pathetic quack like me. My face flushes even more when the men in black approach us. Their black armors reflected strength and power even as they walked.

"Don't worry. They are good people. They are the ones working day and night to make sure this Kingdom is well protected from dangers like the one we just experienced."

So my guess was correct, Guards. Especially with that baton look alike thing on their sides.

The men politely smile in unison almost as if rehearsed. 

"Welcome back Mr. Damian. "

I stifle a giggle. They have that British accent.

"We didn't expect you to come back so soon. And even less with a girlfriend." 

Both men grin. Damian and I look at each other and as if someone said look down we both do so and notice our hands are laced.  "Eww." We both shriek and quickly distance ourselves making the uniformed men laugh.

I grimace at my own sweaty hands. Which in fact, is probably, certainly his sweat.

Damian clears his throat and turns to the gate.

"B-be glad I caught the Nox and brought it back. It could've gone worse." 

"Pardon to interrupt... sirs, but what did you do with your hands?" Seeing their puzzled looks, I proceed to point above the gate making a half moon sign recalling their hand gestures a minute ago.

The guards, I suppose is what their jobs are, look at me then at Damian. Soon after Damian jumps in front of me, both arms held to his sides covering me, as the guards position themselves into combat mode sending me into a panic attack.

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