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"Wow!" I watch excitedly mouth wide-opened as the roller coaster turns and twists into loops as the people scream with thrills. This is a stress-reliever since the past few busy days at the shop. And since Damian came.

"Haven't you came here before? First timer?" Damian chuckles.

I cluck my tongue at him.

"You clearly have no emotions." I watch him gnaw at his lollipop and sighs as if bored.

"Yes I have lived here all my life and been here many times... "

"BUT I love going to amusement parks like these." I jump squealing but suddenly remember my floral dress is the sweet candy to nasty dirty minded men and silently pull myself together.

I grumble

Why must I be his tourist guide.?
I get it we need to get to know each other better, but just because he lives with us..what is he my brother? Granny could've sent me with Axel instead of this dumbwitt.

Get to know him better Giselle . You don't work today, plus you need to relax these days. You've been working hard and don't worry me and Axel will handle the store.

I can't say no to Granny though. Either way I had to get to know this dude, and get the information I need with all the bomb he dropped he left me in a river of wonders.

Although...on the bright side I get to escape from the work life a little and have fun and buy lots of peanut butter .!
Also I don't understand why Granny made me dress like this ...or..

I look at Damian.

Why she made him dress up?

I snort trying to hold back my laughter.

Damian glances at me confused as to my expression.

"Why did granny..." I trail off and stare at his clothes stiffling a laugh.

I couldn't see his eyes well because of the black cap he wore, the leather black jacket on top of his white shirt and black jeans with black shoes.

"You look like you are part of a mafia gang" I laugh , clutching my purse as if with fear, clearly making him show interest.

He yanks the lollipop off his mouth and points with it towards my dress.

"You look like little mary poppins with that yellow dress and your little space buns. " He laughs so loud literally showing everyone what a mocking bird he is.

"What are you, 10? Little peanut?" He pinches my cheeks but I am quick to push him away.

"I also don't know why your grandma let you out. Mostly with your wound still fresh. But we get time together ayee" He smirks and sucks his lollipop back into his mouth.

I huff annoyed.

"Whatever. Why couldn't Axel come? Those other times we finish early but we still stay cleaning." I grumble

"Anyways, granny said I should show you around and make you feel at home. Plus we could...try to find that missing girl?" I suggest a peaceful idea but he just shruggs it away.
I seem altruist but I seriously want to find that girl and solve whatever he is hiding and figure out what is going on with me.

"Okay! Where do you want to go first? Want to go grab cotton candy or ice cream? Ooh do you want to go up there?" I point high to the sky where the big pirate boat ride was.

He shakes his head clucking his tongue.

"How about we go into business first and show me everything I need to know in town?" He searches his pocket and gets the Eclux out.

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