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It's almost 6 pm.

Closing time is near yet we still have customers. Every year it gets packed here due to the Annual Beach Festival our city holds, which is just a few blocks away from us.

I wipe my sweat away and hurry to deliver the orders.

"Axel you sure you don't want to take a break?" I yell at the other side of the counter seeing how many customers were piled over ready to pay.

He shakes his head after he finishes giving change to an elderly.

" I'm good " He signals for me to go on ahead.

Feeling a little lightheaded I decide to take his offer.

"I'll take 5" I yell at him and run to the back of the shop.

Granny wipes her hands and gives me a cup of water.

"Are you okay Giselle?" Granny wipes my sweat away and looks at me worriedly.

I drink it in one shot clearly not being enough and hand her the cup.

"I'm fine it's just... a lotta customers. " I grin at her and quickly turn trying to hide my slight dizziness.

She pats my head but her eyes are full of concern.

"Hand me the trash bags granny I'll take them out while I go on break."

"Okay be careful its already dark outside" I wave back at her as quickly head outside and run.

As soon as I throw the heavy thrashbags into the dumpsters my body collapses to the floor.


The ground tilting... I'm loosing my balance!

I close my eyes, hearing my own breath resonating within me as I try to regain my balance and equilibrium and grasp onto what feels like cloth beside me .

I take deep momentary breaths until I finally open my eyes.

"Wh-" My eyes grow wide as my heart quickens. I quickly let go of what seemed to be pants of a man staring down at me.

I can not see his face as the light hits it, all I see is him offering a hand.

"Looks like you need help."

I shake my head fully alarmed and quickly stood up.

As soon as I came back to my senses, the man quickly turns and leaves into the dark until I can not see his shadow.

I rubb my eyes thinking maybe it's my imagination or an illusion from my dehydration.

I look back at the spot where the stranger left.

Was that...leather clothes he was wearing? Thick, pure leather clothes this heat??

"Giselle!" Axel runs towards me

I take one last look squinting at nothing then turn to Axel.

"Hey you allright?" Axel looks at me ,at at the spot where the stranger was, then back at me.

"Y-yeah I just came to dump the trash away." I start to wipe the dust away from my knees only to see him kneel to wipe the rest of the dirt.

"A customer said they saw a girl on the floor by the dumpster." Axel stood up and looked worriedly at me, our eyes locked, my breath quickens.

I bite my bottom lip from nervousness.

I falter swaying a little. Axel grasps my arm and suddely swoops me into his arms.

Star By StarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ