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I sit up straight in the bed facing Damian in disbelief.

After hours of talking, my mind is filled with great vocabulary and an unstoppable imagination of flying horses with magical powers.

"Let me summarize so far what I understood." I sit straight up hugging my pillow as he calmly toys around random stuff in my room.

"So you are an alien that comes from another planet 'Earth' named Sirius? And the kingdom you came from is Elisora, which your king Ardyon rules literally the whole world? And you transport from planet to planet with this Eclux, the glowing ball?" He nodds and waits for me to continue as I struggle to open my favorite peanut butter jar.

"I'm a normal human not an alien" Damian smiles opening the peanut butter jar easily to then continue playing with the colorful rubix cube I could never finish as a kid.

I pause taking a moment to dig in all the info in my brain.

"So you said you are on a mission looking for someone? "

He nodds.

"I approached you thinking you were her."

"Her?" I repeat anxiously chewing the peanut butter off my spoon before dipping it back into the jar.

"The girl...the one I'm searching. She's been wanted for years. Once I find her, I complete the mission, it also helps me serve the 1 year service for my kingdom. I want to get it over with already." He twirls around in my chair as if bored.

So these people have like..military service thing? Interesting.

"What I don't understand are you able to see this Eclux?" He sits straight up suddenly causing me to flinch.

I stare at the glowing marble mesmerized by the bright light.

"Why do I?" My heart beats faster than the usual. This time...not for the alien guy sitting beside me.

" Like I said only Elisorian people see this. So it's very strange that you can see it. "
He rubbs his chin deep in thought.

"Maybe you have Elisorian Parents and this trait was passed? Which is very rare case having the conditions here."

I frown and open my mouth to speak when suddenly someone bangs the door open startling both of us.

My eyes grow wide when I see my love and pain standing at the door.

This wild heart is at it again beating like crazy.

"Axel!!" I blurt out consciously distancing from Damian.

He glares at Damian and shoves him quickly to hugg me.

"Are you okay? " I hear his voice resonate as I press my head into his tough chest. My stomach twists into knots.

Once he lets go I nodd letting him know I'm fine.

"I just fell but I'm fine. Damian here helped me." I point towards the idiot sitting beside me and fidget with my blanket.

I gulp sensing some tension as Axel looks at Damian and Damian does the same.

Just as I was about to break the akward silence Damian jumps up and hangs his arms around Axel's neck as if they were best buddies wrestling each other.

"What's up dude. I am Giselle's old elementary friend Damian!" He squeezes Axel's neck with his arms but Axel is quick to shove him away.

"I'm Axel, her.. best friend." They both exchange a manly handshake, Axel glaring at Damian as if almost to kill him while Damian smiles innocently.

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