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"Welcome to the the Art Museum!"

With the widest smile, I greet the vivid audience in front of me as I show them the way to their favorite picks at the gallery.

Only having slept 5 hours last night I feel my eyebags sinking lower and lower...which reminds me, staying up until 1 am thinking about life events is a big fat no.

I shake my thoughts away and smile.

Okay Giselle. It's only 22 people you can do this for an hour.

Compared to other times, this is one of those moments where I just want to stay home and in front of a cool fan eating ice cream instead of dealing with humans. One of the many reasons to continue education.

Yeah Giselle you just couldn't decide what major to do and went for a small Associates in Business. This sucks.

I walk past the small group my heels clacking behind me as a bunch of eyeballs move past me and back at the artifacts.

"Please stay close and if you have any questions do not be afraid to ask.!" I start explaining and smile when they snap pictures.

I hate the fact of people looking at me instead of the artifacts. It makes my insecurities grow out and gnaw at my skin.

I continue explaining to the new group nodding and demonstrating the exhibition.

"If you would like , pictures can be taken from this angle for a better shot" I smile and step aside as the audience is mesmerized by the dull small ancient jar taking pictures here and there.

I notice my coworker, Camilla with a group of people exhibiting too on the opposite side towards the VIP room.

I smile at her and she smiles back giving me a thumbs up.

After a few minutes, I continue walking explaining the new abstract painting when I feel a pair of eyes staring at me from afar. Not just the normal expectator eyeballs, but a soul burning stare.

Discreetely I look to my right side and...
Bingo. I see a man in all black my instincts were correct.
I turn my head back normally and walk towards the next object.

What is he a dark vader?

Act cool Giselle.

I smile and let the audience know the exibition is over.

"Thank you for coming and I hope you enjoyed today's exhibition. Souvenirs are on the 3rd floor have a great day and see you next time ."

After I finish, I quickly go to the break room and check the time.

30 more minutes to go.

I groan.

Today is just not my day. I just had to be assigned to host today.
I slump against the chair and pop a fresh mint gum into my mouth.

"Giselle!" I turn and see Camilla at the door, tall and slim proud blonde with a gummy smile always plastered on her pale face.

Her gummy smile never fails to bring a smile on my gloomy face.

"Hey! How was your weekend! I didn't see you until now plus I had an exhibition." I pout and hugg her.

"It's was okay! I saw you, you had a lot of people." Camilla hands me a chocolate bar and sits across me.

"Mm thanks " I grin at her.

"Also...What's with the panda eyes."

I instinctly touch the baggy skin under my eyes.

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