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"Not too far Giselle!!"

Granny laughs from afar, sitting at a garden bench pouring tea on a cup which belonged to a very elegant woman, beautiful fair skin with a gorgeous long formal dress. The golden laces around the soft silk red velvet ruffles enlightened her even more.

I turn back and smile at her knowingly she will return the pleasant smile back. She motions softly for me to continue playing badminton with the man across the long field full of roses.

"You ready?" The man grins widely, glowing in a formal red velvet suit with golden laces here and there, his chest out and shoulder pulled straight back just like our soldiers from outside the perimeter.

"Not too far though there are bees all around every bush and rose!!" I whine half-jokingly afraid I'd be swarmed with the tiny stinkers unable to run with this extravagant dress.

I watch him hit the birdie softly, but it goes too far way back into the forest. I glance at the woman with the long formal dress. She nods for approval and so I run towards the forest after given permission to do so.

The court sized glistening rose garden disappears at a distance as I get closer to the looming forest. I pick up my long fluffy dress as it drags every piece of twigs around. I search for the birdie among the hazy dark trees but it's nowhere to be seeing...although something odd catches my attention.

I squint my eyes and follow a bright white light that glimmers way deep into the vast forest leaving a path among everything dark, almost as if mocking and taunting me to keep up at its pace as I struggle with every breath.

As soon as I am close enough to see what it is, my eyes grow wide, and my lips become sealed. My hands become frozen in place and my body is elevated from the floor as I come to face to face with a pale woman with bright green aura revolving around her long body and long black dress covering her feet.

Her slim curved long fingers squeeze both my cheeks as she chants:

"Your Highness has become a beautiful young lady. When the most cherished person in your heart is swept away you will come back, my child to the original place meant to be. Only then we will be able to meet and remember it is I, your beloved Laverna who will save you from disgrace"

She blows her frosty breath into me stabbing my lungs into pain as I gasp for air.... I fall back to the ground as my insides suffocate.


I suddenly wake up gasping for air and sit straight up facing a worried Axel beside me.

"Giselle!" He pats my back and softly holds my cheeks

"Hey. Hey. I'm here. I'm here...breathe."

The electrocuting sensation slowly wears off as I look around and notice I am in a hospital bed.

I look at Axel and follow his breathing patterns...and then realize...I don't have my mouth sealed? I pat my lips and inspect my hands, slowly opening and closing them.

"I'm normal!" I weakly chuckle stopping as soon as I notice Axel's frisked out face. Only then do I realize why I came to the hospital in the first place.

My smile fades away my eyes growing wide.

"Where's Granny?" I clutch onto his hand.

Just as he opens his mouth to speak Damian barges inside

" Hey man Giselle's granny is out-" He stops short as he sees me and lightly taps his lips.

I quickly let go of Axel's hand and jump out of the bed causing both men to stabilize my staggering body.

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