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"I'm ready for my favorite biscuits granny!"

I let my voice echo into the kitchen,as I head to the couch and take the awfully heavy purple heels off and throw myself like a ragged doll.

I sigh even louder as my mind fills up with ideas to bring home Le Revenue other than just being a Museum host. A faint Giselle appears beside me throwing chanclas and yelling unpleasant words at my boss, who makes my work tougher than it's supposed to. I shake my head waving the white cloud away but again why am I complaining ? I knew too well what was ahead when I desperately applied to find whatever job to help granny.

I groan having second thoughts of my job.


That's odd. Why do I hear absolute wary silence.

I raise my head checking to see if Granny was in the kitchen. Or in bed. She usually comes checking up on me as soon as she hears my clumsy feet.
I notice the lights are off and the shop sign says closed.

That's strange.

Granny never leaves the shop alone?
Or maybe she went to the store?
But again the closed sign is showing.
But at this hour?
She always leaves the lights on and waits for me home until I come off work.

I sit straight up and check the clock.

5:18 pm.

There is still no sign of Damian or Granny.
The shop should be closing at 6 so it's too early.

I quickly check the doors and every room was empty.

"Granny?" I call out her name 3 times but no response.
Same with Damian.

I start feeling antsy and dial her phone number but soon after my body freezes when I hear a ringtone coming from the restroom.

I run towards it but to only find her flip phone laying on the floor.
My stomach twists into knots my vision becomes blurry but I snap out of it.

"C'mon Damian answer" My hands tightly grip onto my cellphone but no response.

My heart beats faster as panic engulfs me. I blink twice wiping tears away , dialing Axel's phone number , slip my house shoes and start heading out but I recieve no response from Axel.

"Dammit why is no one answering". I cry and burst out running for what feels like forever to Axel's house. Until finally I reached my destination, ring his doorbell just coincidentally in time to Damian calling my phone.

"Hey Damian...Listen gr-"

Damian cuts me short.

"Giselle...Come quickly to the hospital. It's your grandma."

I freeze , Axel frantically looking at me as I struggle to compose myself.

"Giselle whats wrong.?!" He holds me as I stutter and struggle to clear my vision full of tears.

"T-take me to the hospital now please ..G-granny.....!" I cry uncontrollably as we both hurry to his car .

Once we reach the hospital, I jump out of his car way before he parks it, not listening at Axel yelling after me to wait for him.

Adrenaline rushes and I fumble my words coming out as a shout "W-where is my grandma?"

"Ma'am w-"

"I'm her only family!!! I-I need to s-see her !" My cries come out as a shout instead as the frustration comes out , sweat trickling mixed with tears.

I desperately interchange information with the Receptionist and as soon as she hands it I am already on my feet again.

I let Axel take over as I run to the given room number.

"Damian!!" I clutch my chest as my body refuses to take in some air but I keep going and reach out to Damian sitting inside.

But Granny is nowhere in site.


"W-where's Granny?" I cry out to him barely seeing what's in front of me.

Please Grandma

"She..She went into the Surgery but they said to wait here inside." Damian sighs worriedly as he stands up and let's Axel know of the situation.

I look around frantically at the suffocating white walls for answers.

Don't leave me please Granny. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts

"W-what happened?" Axel speaks my mind while I look up to Damian holding my breath waiting for the worst.

"I was at the shop when all of the sudden I heard a loud noise and when I checked ...she was laying on the bathroom floor. The doctor said she needed surgery since she hit her head too hard and- "

"..laying on the bathroom floor"


I hiccup the last cry somehow my eyes close and my body feels...floaty.
My breaths are slowly fading away.. Their voices feel very...... faint.


An empty hollow in my chest plunges me deep into an abyss...as if all the air within me has been knocked out.

As if I'm floating in the clouds.

"Giselle! Giselle!!"

I hear faint voices in the distance , but my body grows limp , I see pitch black and

all I hear

is nothing but

blissful silence.

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