Brotherhood of the Damned

402 21 4

St Anne's Catholic Church

Davina and Y/n had caught up to Klaus who led them to St Anne's Church. "What are we doing here?" Davina asked as she and her brother walked the aisle toward Klaus, who standing by the sacristy. "Well, you two are going to find Finn, in a peaceful place with no petty distractions." Klaus answered, with his gaze set on the witches. 

"Like Kol?" she questioned again, stepping forward and challenging him. "If we can find Finn, then we can stop him which then indirectly saves Kol." Y/n intervened, preventing an argument or fight from breaking out. Davina took a breath, calming herself down before turning to her brother. "Locator spell, it is." she concluded. 

Davina and Y/n attempted to perform a locator spell but were unsuccessful when they noticed that the black sand would spread all over the map confirming that Finn was indeed cloaked. 

The Claire witches were able to come up with an alternative method to finding Finn, which required Y/n to fetch material from his home, causing him to leave apprehensively, worried about what the outcome would be if he left Klaus and his sister alone. Klaus is pacing around in front of the sacristy while Davina sets up a magical circle with runes made out of salt on the floor in front of the first row of pews.

"Haven't you found Finn yet?" Klaus asks. Davina just ignores him and continues to work on setting up for the spell. "I must say, for a witch of your caliber, your spells are not particularly efficient. Maybe we should wait on your brother, speaking of which where is he?" he continues, impatiently.

"Finn was blocking our locator spell. So, we're trying something new. But, I need to concentrate, and Y/n went to go fetch a few things, and besides he doesn't find stalkers that attractive." Davina sighed in frustration, regretting staying behind, while a small smirk crossed Klaus' face at the last part of her sentence.  "No need to get testy, love. We both have the same goal." Klaus said as he stepped past her standing in front of her spell. 

Davina begins to take candles from behind her and place them in a specific arrangement around the circle. "Really? Because my goal is to get Kol out of your house alive. Which seems to be about number ten on your list." she bit back. "Number nine, at least!" Klaus smirked back at the witch. 

"What is wrong with you? He's your brother!" she exasperated, lifting her eyebrows in judgment of the hybrid. "Yes! And, I also have a sister, one who I happen to care about more." Klaus answered, letting the smirk fall off his face while Davina rolled her eyes as Klaus continued, "So, until he tells me where she is, Kol can rot, as far as I'm concerned. And you might wanna get your villains straight, love, because Finn is the architect of this fiasco. So, pick up the pace! Find out where he's getting his power from, so we can stop it."

Davina raises her eyebrows at him, clearly amused, before she makes a face and stands up from the steps. "And what about my brother? Where is he on the list of people you care about?" Davina asked, still holding an amused look as she stared at the hybrid doing her best to examine him and his expressions. "What's wrong, Little Witch? Afraid I'll hurt your dear sibling?" Klaus smirked back, amused at Davina's curiosity. 

"No, because if you hurt him. I'll make sure that you regret it." she threatened, her amused look turning into a sarcastic smile as Klaus took a step toward Davina, "I promised your brother that I wouldn't hurt him. I never said the same for you." he said, as the two held a glare before the sound of footsteps grew louder and closer. Y/n walked in with a bag, slung on his left shoulder. "Huh, no one is unconscious or dead, that's a first." he spoke, as he moved toward the circle. 

"Of course not, love. Davina and I had a delightful conversation." Klaus smiled toward Y/n, giving an amused glance at Davina who gave a sarcastic hum in response. Y/n opened his bag and took bottles containing herbs, he opened the bottles and begin to sprinkle some of the herbs, tracing around the circle. Once finished, he waved his hand around the circle causing the candles to catch flame, Y/n then moved over to Davina as they stretched their arms toward the circle. 

French-Quarter Witch -  Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now