They All Asked For You

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Griffith Mansion:

"I've got breakfast. Your favorite, blueberry pancakes." Y/n greeted as he entered the spare room that his sister occupied for the night, holding a tray of food. Davina was sitting on a side chair putting her shoes on, and preparing to leave the house. "Thanks but I actually have things to do." she murmured in response. Y/n put the tray on the bed and brought a chair to sit in front of his sister. 

"Like finding a spell to bring Kol back?" his question brought his sister to halt as she let out a sigh allowing her brother to see her tired, tear-stained face. "Look, I'm not going to stop you from trying just promise me one thing. You'll take care of yourself?" Y/n gently asked, bringing his sister into a hug. "Help me, please. I don't think that I can bring him back on my own." Davina softly pleaded. "Just say the word and I'll be there." Y/n promised, releasing his sister from the hug. 

A sudden ring sounded from Y/n's pocket causing the witch to stand up from his seat removing his phone from his pocket, Elijah. "I need to take this but please eat." he begged, pointing toward the food on the bed before leaving the room. "Elijah, to what do I owe the pleasure?" the witch asked leaning against the passage wall.

"Y/n, I require your assistance in setting up a meeting with your aunt, Ms. Larue." Elijah formally answered.

"Why do you need to speak to Josephine?" the witch queried. "Some witch business that I need to sort out." the vampire vaguely replied. 

"Even if she does have answers, there's no guarantee she's gonna give you any. She has a thing against vampires." 

"Let me worry about that my dear Y/n. Just fulfill my request, would you?" 

Elijah hung up the phone before Y/n could respond causing the witch to run his hand over his face wondering what the original had planned. He dialed a number on his phone and tapped his anxiously waiting for a response. "Hey Josh, sorry to annoy you so early in the morning but I need a favour." he spoke quietly into the phone as he peered into Davina's room and saw she was eating her food while staring out the window. 

Josephine LaRue's House:

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Josephine LaRue's House:

Gia had finished playing Beethoven's Sonata No. 9 to the audience of Josephine, Elijah, and Y/n. The male witch had recognized the tune as his aunt would regale tales of her musical escapades and how this very song was her favorite piece she ever performed. The vampire violinist stood and looked nervously over to Josephine and Y/n. He slightly nodded his head at her before turning his attention to his aunt, Gia caught the nod and was put to slight ease.

"You are as calculating as I've heard, Mr. Mikaelson. Having your companion play the very piece I once performed to great acclaim." the regent spoke, turning her attention to the original vampire. Gia looks at Elijah, obviously uncomfortable while Y/n knew that his aunt's attitude toward vampires would make this conversation difficult. 

French-Quarter Witch -  Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now