The Devil Is Damned

368 22 8

Griffith Mansion 

The witch who lay on the couch slowly began to move as he felt the glare of the morning sun, which shone through the curtains, beat on his face. He winced when he opened his eyes, blinded by the light he groaned, before remembering last night. He remembered falling asleep on Klaus, he remembered the way the hybrid's cold arms would cool down his overheating body, and how Klaus' rough hands would soothingly trace shapes on his arm. He remembered it all and he missed it. 

Y/n lifted himself off the couch and slowly scanned the room for any trace of him. Disappointed at the empty space he saw around him, he smelt something and let his senses lead the way. He dragged himself out of the living room and moved over to the kitchen where he entered to find the kitchen table plated with breakfast. 

A woman sat on the other end of the table with a finished plate in front of her and a steaming cup of coffee, she looked up at Y/n, folding the newspaper she was reading, and gave him a warm smile. "Morning dear, I made you breakfast." she sweetly spoke.

As if hit with a bucket of ice water, Y/n's body filled with adrenaline waking him up immediately. "Who are you? And what the hell are doing in my house?" he strongly questioned with a face of defensive confusion. 

The woman just hummed, gesturing to the table chair as it magically pulled itself out offering a seat. Y/n quirked a brow and made no move as if to challenge the woman, "I can't tell you anything if you don't have a seat, dear." she stated, holding her coffee to her royal red lips.

Y/n slowly moved towards the seat as his eyes searched the room for any trap before he sat down. He looked down at the breakfast made for him: scrambled eggs, bacon, rashers, and slices of toast with a cup of coffee on the side. 

He pushed the plate forward, before crossing his arms and meeting the gaze of the mysterious woman. Her smile faltered a bit but returned as she leaned back in her chair. As the two witches sat at the table, staring at each other with different expressions, neither of them seemed to notice their similarities. 

They both sat with one leg crossed over the other and sat up straight to emphasize their power. How they were currently analyzing each other without the other knowing. The woman dressed regally in dark colors while her wavy black hair was tied into a ponytail. 

Her brown eyes examined Y/n and his features, she noted the way his beautiful eyes would conceal his inner thoughts, his general demeanor and the way he carried himself was all too similar to someone she knew. She was so proud of him, and how she deeply missed him. 

"There was once a woman and all she ever wanted was a child. She and her husband tried almost everything possible even her magic wasn't strong to rewrite the will of her infertility. That is until she learned something stronger, darker, and more powerful. Desperate she used it, and with the help of a friend, she was able to get the one thing she truly wanted; a baby boy." the woman narrates, as she leans forward resting her arms on the table and watching Y/n's face.

"Unfortunately the story didn't end there. You see, using that kind of magic was a crime in her coven and when they found out..." the woman continued before noticing the change of expression on Y/n's face. "Apologizes, dear am I boring you?" she asked with a smirk. "Yes. I already know how this story ends. The woman dies and so does her husband but her child grows up to me." Y/n smirked back.

"So that's what they told you. The woman didn't die, she was sent to the local mystical loony bin and left there with all the other rejects. She lost her family and was locked away until a perfect coincidence occurred letting her leave to find her son and reunite her family again..." she corrected as the smirk fell off her face and a soft look took over her expression. "I'm going to ask you one last time. Who the hell are you?" Y/n threatened as he rose out of his seat, glaring at the woman. 

French-Quarter Witch -  Y/n ClaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora