I Love You, Goodbye

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Josephine LaRue's House:

Y/n arrived at his aunt's house and was allowed in by her butler, Henry, who insisted that he wait before entering the study but Y/n, impatient, rushed to the study to find his not-so-dead mother, Elizabeth, sitting across from his aunt. Upon entry, both women turned their attention to the young witch whose eyebrows lifted at the sight before him. "Sebastien! Sit, please. We have much to discuss." Elizabeth said, nudging her head to the empty seat next her. 

Y/n looked over to her aunt, who still had her gaze focused on Elizabeth, before moving to sit next to Josephine. "Now, I have no intention of hurting anyone you care about. I just want my family back. To finish what we started, sister." Elizabeth spoke, letting her sweet eyes sit on her Josephine. "What is she talking about?" Y/n wondered, looking at her aunt for answers. 

"When you were born, your parents and I had made a plan to leave New Orleans. We wanted something new for ourselves." Josephine explained, looking down at her hands in reminiscence of the past. "We were going to take your father's surname." Elizabeth finished, looking at her son with a sweet smile. 

"I went to Lafayette Cemetery in search of Victor's body, I saw Gabriel has passed. The work of our mother I assume?" Elizabeth asked, directing her question to the Regent, bringing her cup of tea to her lips.

"She wanted to be the one to pick my husband. So I never married." the Regent responded, her face remaining stoic. 

"Such a shame. Anyways, I found Victor's tomb but I felt nothing. So where is he? Where is my husband, Jo?"  

"Probably traipsing the Ancestral Plane, hiding from you I'd assume." the Regent responded carelessly.

Y/n felt a stir in his stomach knowing very well where his father is. His attention drifted to his thoughts where questioned himself if he should reveal what he experienced the previous day. "Something to share, my son?" Elizabeth asked, shifting her gaze to Y/n. "I have to go." he stood up, not wanting to risk giving up his father's current occupation in his necklace. He rushed out of the room leaving his mother and aunt not allowing them a chance to respond unbeknownst to him that his mother had recognized the necklace around his neck. 

St Anne's Church:

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St Anne's Church:

Y/n had received a text from his sister letting him know about Josh's condition. He walked into the church and saw his sister at the bottom of the stairs leading to her room. They hugged each other before catching each other up on everything they'd missed as they walked up to the attic room.

"So you got attacked by some blonde chick, met your father who is stuck in your necklace, and saw your mother?" Davina recalled incredulously, processing everything she just heard as they stopped in front of the door to the room. 

"Pretty much, yeah."  

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a thud coming from inside the room causing the siblings to enter with worry but the feeling subsided as they noticed Josh attempting to lift himself off the ground. The siblings rushed to either side of Josh and helped him to sit on the chest that sat in front of the bed. 

French-Quarter Witch -  Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now