Save My Soul

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Josephine LaRue's House

Y/n stood in front of the mirror in the guest room preparing himself, as a knock sounded at the doorway. "Ready to go, my dear?" Josephine asked him, before noticing the choker scarf that sat incorrectly around his neck. "How do we know for sure that she did this?" the young witch asked, as his aunt made her way toward him. 

"She suddenly appears in town and kids begin disappearing or dying again." Josephine details, fixing the choker scarf that sat around her nephew's neck.  

"It could just be a coincidence." Y/n argued back. 

"Once, yes. But this is the third occurrence and we can't afford to gamble with the lives of our youth." Josephine responded, finishing with Y/n's choker scarf. "Now why don't you tell me what's really bothering you?" the regent questioned, as she turned Y/n to face her. 

"It's..." Y/n started, letting his eyes roam the room before taking a breath. "nothing. I'm just tired, that's all." he answered, giving his aunt a small smile. Josephine made no reaction as her eyes searched Y/n's face but was only met with his smile. "If you say so, my dear." she responded, with a short smile before turning and leaving the room. 

Y/n watched Josephine leave the room and turned to look at himself in the mirror, and stared at himself for a moment. Suddenly his phone sounded pulling his attention away from his reflection, he picked up the phone off the dresser and noticed a text from Davina. 

He responded to the message and scrolled through his contacts. His thumb hovered over the call button before he pressed the screen and brought the phone to his ear. 

"Hey, you have a problem." 

Marcel's Loft

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Marcel's Loft

Y/n stood outside Marcel's Loft next to his aunt, with his hands in his pocket, leading a congregation of angry witches. In front of them stood vampires who made a barrier with their bodies protecting the entrance to the loft.  

"Bring her out here!" 

"We want Eva!" 

The crowd of witches hollered as Marcel exited the loft walking toward Y/n, Josephine, and the witches. "Whatever the problem is, if you don't back up, I guarantee you it's gonna get worse." Marcel called furiously, stepping in front of his vampires. His eyes dart to Y/n, looking for an explanation. 

"Marcel Gerard. Do you realize you're harboring a renegade witch?" Josephine questions, taking his attention away from Y/n. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Is that a fact?" Josephine challenged, nudging her head behind Marcel. There, exiting the loft, was Rebekah in Eva's body, clearly confused at the scene. Y/n sighed as the witch crowd grew rowdy again. "There she is!" "Yeah, there she is!"

Marcel looks even angrier as he shoots Josephine a glare. He turns and rushes over to Rebekah while Y/n turns to his aunt. "If this goes on, things might get ugly." he warned, as his eyes darted between his aunt and the angry herd of witches behind them. 

French-Quarter Witch -  Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now