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Andrew's POV

When the live feed from Jem cut out we pulled up the cameras from the driveway.

Maverick tried to convince us that he was fine but a pit grew in the stomach as time went on. Patrick and I watched the driveway cameras fruitlessly, neither of us blinking unless it was absolutely necessary.

It was getting late at this point. Devon had said he would contact us when they were done we hadn't heard a word from them since Jem cut out their footage.

My knee bounced up and down as I stared at the screen while Patrick picked at his bottom lip.

"What were we supposed to do if they didn't come back by a few hours," I asked after a while of us sitting in silence.

"I don't think there was a plan for it," Patrick sighed as he glanced down at his watch. "It's already nearly midnight. I feel like we should have heard from them by now."

"Maybe it's time to get someone else involved? Maybe the cops or maybe even some of Jem's people."

"We could end up only making it worse, especially if I send a bunch of cops down there. They'll arrest Jem for something as stupid as a taillight if it meant booking him for any amount of time."

My knee bounced faster as I tried to think of better solutions but everything in my mind came to a stop when a car sped down the driveway.

I didn't have to look for long to notice it was Jem's car.

Relief shot through me and I was on my feet before I even really realized it.

Patrick followed behind me as we ran through the house, not bothering to note the harsh glares being sent our way by the people who littered the house.

By the time we got to the living room, Devon and Barrett were already there. Jem's arms were draped over each of their shoulders as they all but dragged him to the hospital.

"What happened," I asked as I looked down at Jem's limp body.

Neither of them answered as the shouldered the hospital door open but they didn't need to say anything as I took in Jem's bloody clothes.

They didn't need to say a word to anyone. The second a nurse laid eyes on Jem she started yelling orders.

Her voice carried through the halls, commanding everyone who heard her to drop what they were doing to come help.

It was a whirlwind. People moved quickly, some ran into others, blood dripped onto the floors before slowly becoming a puddle, Devon and Barrett cursed orders while also trying to help carry Jem to a gurney.

Patrick and I stood there ignored as they wheeled Jem down the hall. Devon and Barrett watched him go seemingly fighting themselves from running after him, only stopping when they realize they would only get in the way.

Both of them seemed out of breath as their hands shook at their sides. The shock had worn off, leaving panic in it's wake.

"I know it's hard but try and take deep breaths," I soothed as I came to stand in front of them. Devon listened, nodding his head while shaking the panic out through his hands as he inhaled deeply before exhaling and starting again.

Barrett only glared at me. His fists balled up as he took a step towards me while I took a step back.

"You two shouldn't even be here," he spit out, barely sparing Patrick a glare before he was back on me.

"Barrett calm down," Devon sighed, his eyes still glued to the hall they had taken Jem down.

"Calm down?" Barrett shouted as he shot his glare at his friend. "Jem is going to die because of them!"

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