Daydreaming Escapades

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Once again I wrote this while listening to blink-182, it did not show.

Sweet dreams my darling

Your eyes avoiding mine
A stillness in the air
A deep rooted fear
Confirmed within a day
Lodged within a void of despair

Sweet dreams my darling

Your boxes filled to the brim
Your paints packed neatly away
A sense of belonging existing only in you
One that now leaves me behind

You're the only one that makes me smile
You're the only one I want to kiss
You're the only one that makes me feel this way
Even when I'm feeling down
The light you bring makes me smile

You're the only one I can bear
Who am I to hold onto you

Sweet dreams my darling

Remember me in your sleep
When you're feeling good
Remember the whispers we shared
Insignificant words that brought us joy
No more shall you cry
Here where the soils bare

How did you know
That our time was up
Was I not good enough
Or had our time ran out

Did you grow tired
Did you grow bored
Did our love not stay enough

Sweet dreams my darling

I knew of your struggles
The way you hid behind your hair
I knew of your hidden passions
Of the way you loved our midnight talks

Sweet dreams my darling

I had a dream
That you left me when the snow frost came
You told me not to worry
With a kind smile

Now I see
That it was not snow nor rain
That I should've feared
It was a warm summers day
That took you away

Sweet dreams my darling

Have a good life
In your new place
With new people
And a new me

Funnily enough most of my poems are about one sided love and rejection but I've never had either. I think.

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