Contradictional Contradictions

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Marlboro's Nights - Lonely God. This is a short one:

Contradictional Contradictions

I'm along for the ride
Sitting in the back seat of life's car
Mouthing the words
To our faithful argument

Throwing a rope
Into a brick wall
My invisible hands
Blocked from reaching through

I've been repeating
Bringing forth
This overdone reality
Of the lunacy course

It's a sleepover in the desert
Melted chocolate
Those delicious but inedible
A sweet venomous snake
Tucked deep in our car pillows

We're quite people pleasers

I'm along for the ride
Sitting in the back seat of life's car
Talking mindlessly with you
Talking topics that evade us

Heading straight for the faithful argument
Our heads butting on the brick walls
That in-cage us
In this act of contradictory statements

I went away with my family and it was fun... but now my phones glitching green and idk whyyy.

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