Tickle Shoes

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What you make it - with confidence. This one was a fun one.

Tickle Shoes

Dance dance
Chicken eaters

from side to side
Hanging ferns
Left and right

La la la
Tell me that you love me
You sentence brewer
A magician of high calibre

You have me under your spell
Keeping me a fool
For your ice cold glares
I wanna be your girlfriend

Give me love
The attention I now crave
Like that video of a dead whale

Your magic overflows
Tidel waves babe

Hi ho hi
Stuttering butterflies
Makes me fall over
A mighty big mistake

You cursed me
With your magician major knowledge
Stealing my heart right from my chest
I wanna be your girlfriend

Come on please
I would even dance
With those magicked
Tickle shoes

I will be your pirate
Fighting with forks
To protect your life

Do do do
Donkey love
Swallows me whole
Watching you preform

Your magic overflows
Tidel waves babe

So let me dance
With those magicked tickle shoes

Magical amiright

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