Concrete Sand

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This one is a little bit serious which might explain why I was listening to the covers Mr. Sandman by SYML and Love Story by Sarah Cothran.

Concrete Sand

Yew dusted windows
Cozy blankets
Soft coloured books

Sitting down
On your blanket
Hands on your hair
Frustration sinking in

A sob echoes
Through the house
In the walls
Through the floors

Your painful smile 
A mirror of your soul
Letting them know
You're not okay
Being stuck in concrete sand

Tear stained cheeks
Fear filled eyes
Grazing somewhere new
With no need for you

Your heart is sore
Hearing the remarks
Of what you could be
Spewed from their mouths

Knowing you're not there
Not knowing if you can
A heavy watcher
With a burden to bare

You sit for days
Looking at a screen
Seeing the work pile up
And not making a move
To do it at all 

A little bit stuck
A little bit sad
A little bit lost
A little bit bad

You're stuck in concrete sand
Not knowing how to get out
Or adjust
This stupid way of thinking

Their advice not seeming to work
As you sit still
The work never ending
Piling high on your desk

Puffy red cheeks
Tears staining them blue
As you wish to dissolve
Into a puddle on the floor

Your sad sad eyes
Watching silently
A tired being
Stuck in concrete sand

Should I put the title below the authors note as well? I'm testing how it looks rn and idk.

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