Nightshade Trophies

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To be horseradish I shouldn't be doing these so late at night and not spellchecking them - I should to make sure they are readable. Mrs Magic by Strawberry Guy.

Nightshade Trophies
(EHHH IM FEELING FRUSTRATED SO IM PUTTING IT all out on these last ones)

Selling yourself
To those little bees
That stand around
Waiting for a glimpse of your nightshade trophies

Hiccuping in place
Trying to hide
Those hideous sounds
Embarrassing yourself

A sneeze that blows a house down
A sound so deafening
It makes you shuffle along
This unforgivable action taking you by force

These disgusting actions
Necessary to living
Happening to everyone
But yet you still try and disappear

These death sentences
Drilled into you
By your peers and social media
Hits you harder then ever

A far cry
From your golden past
Your horary shelves
Now covered by nightshade trophies

This time I'm really heading off to bed (wrote this in 10 minutes or so, might be bad)

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