Eucalyptus Ferns

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Ha, apparently Carpeted Floors takes 24 seconds to read (told to me by Wattpad itself). The song I chose for this one is: Cabin Fever by Jaden

Eucalyptus Ferns
(A search)

Feeling weird
In the middle of a task
Wanting for something
That you can't name

A sense of urgency
To satisfy this curiosity
Your entire being

Searching for that eucalyptus fern

A word
On the tip of your tongue
But, unfortunately
Never said

You feel left out
A bit excommunicated
From the role you're supposed to play

So you continue on
Striding forward
Towards a dawn
Where you can name this sensation

Searching for that eucalyptus fern
That has made you lose your mind

It comes to you slowly
Creeping at the back of your mind
Solving its riddle
Further on in life

Crashing upon you
In an instance
Where you know it's name
And you place a call

An immediate response
To this wilful draw
That follows you in life
No matter where you go

This searching for an eucalyptus fern
Has come to an end 

It encapsulated you
In its weird embrace
Feeling bitter
But forced to find home

To a eucalyptus fern
That you now hold close

Woop now it's time for sleep. G'night.

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