Petroleum Puppy's & Widowed Portraits

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My friend just got the cutest puppy and I am in love. Said friend and I were listening to: I will always love you by Whitney Houston.

Petroleum Puppy's - 23/05/22

The best kind of dog
Is when it's dosed in
A bucket load of petroleum
Woo ye

I'm just joking of course
Why would one want
This adventurous dog
That only needs love

A megaton of puppy eyes
And getting what she wants
This cursed little being
Really begs for a home

Corrupted Lungs - 23/05/22

I stepped in line
Sealing my fate
There were 5 others before me
All standing tall

Elegance, power, radiance.
They all screamed truth
The ying's of the world
With no lower calling then this

Waiting for the moment
For our destiny to be chosen
We stand before the gods
Ready for our calling

My brown eyes dark
Hooded eyes betraying
This relay race
Of the greatest rain

I am not ready
And I am not a ying
I stand before them
A coat doorway for the other side

Respondence at the go
I step forward
Read my word
The room went dark, as the monsters invaded

Just wrote the last one in 10 minutes so I could upload this chap. Civil laughter.

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