Software Malfunction

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This time I was listening to 17 by Youth Lagoon and Everything Matters by Aurora ft. Pomme.

Buzzing bees
French Cats
Loving Hats

A weird sensation came crashing down on me
A malfunction in my motherboard
A wave of hyper electricity

Yellow Duvets
Blue guitars
Flat cardboard

My brain comes alive
Colours seeping into my eyes
A tingle striking my heart


A new feeling
One that makes me feel alive
A bump in my system
Rewiring inner workings


Oh my gosh what was that

Hearing weird
Feeling french
A song in my system
There's a song in my system

Bright white light
A jumpstart to my heart
Childlike innocence
Weaving in-between codes

Control flashing red
Train-station moving fast
Transporting me along my current
Along these waves of malfunction


Bones creaking
Corroding freely
Listen clearly
A break in your physiology

Sensitive eyes
Seeking release
In an answering machine
Old fashioned and rusted
Spreading disease
Causing collateral damage

It's a malfunction in your software
Hurting you down
Where there's no way out
It was such a big malfunction

Pretty sure I haven't proof read this... anyways I took inspiration from my friend who's learning coding for this one.

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