Clay Pillows

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The moon song by beabadoobee & Oscar Lang plays on in this one.

Sky blue dreams
Ice cold water
The dead of night

Warmth seeking hands
Under layers of blankets
Moving again and again
Trying to find comfort
In its never ending depths

Loosely tied hair
Held back by a band
Strands widely sprayed
Across your clay pillow

A thousand little thoughts
Buzzing around your head
Hands tightly gripping
A listless duvet

Under a spotlight
Darkness grows
Taking hostage
Of your beautiful mind

A carved out space
Made solely for you
A blind spot
In its ever increasing rage

But you take cover
Under your clay pillow

Unprecedented thoughts
Flood your mind
Watchless eyes
Gazing forward

Screenplays take place
Your character misinformed
Of the ongoings
In this corrupted event

But still
You take cover
Misguided by your clay pillow

A hard sentence
Breaking you
Inside out

Unprotected from this cold
Seeping into your bones
And stealing your warmth
Taking your happiness
Moulding it anew

Those interesting silences
In the dead of night
Stretches onwards
To those who enjoy
The nerves of the anxious

So you hide
Behind a clay pillow

It seals you away
In the unnatural thoughts
And the prejudice world
Hiding behind a sweet face

You watch as your friend
Call you names
Under the influence
Of this dark dark moon

It kidnaps your innocence
In those weak moments
Shrouded by the dead of night
Under clay pillows

Anyone else find them-self unable to sleep sometimes?

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