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East Malaysia

A rocket shot through the sky at unimaginable speed, seemingly failing its mission as the front of it caught fire. The front of the rocket started to crack and break, the people inside and at the station communicating in a panic.

It crash landed on the ground, a streak of orange in the sky as it formed a small explosion on the floor.

Soon enough, ambulances were all around as they pulled dead bodies from the rocket. They also started to pull small cylinder tubes out filled with goo. One one silver, one was yellow and black, one was navy blue and the last black, all of them moving.

Inside the Life Foundation, Carlton Drake walked around his communication room with a woman called Dora, "I don't want to have to wait for a full clean-up just to get a status report."

"We're collecting this data as quickly as possible." Dora replied.

"That's not good enough." Carlton shot back. "Okay, maybe you can tell me what happened."

"There was so kind of breach. One of the astronauts sent a distress call." A woman spoke up, standing up from her seat behind her computer.

"What about the crew?" Carlton asked.

"We're still investigating." The woman answered.

"Where did it go down?" Carlton pushed.

"It's 20 kilometres west of Sibu." A man chimed in.

"Did we at least retrieve all of the samples?" Carlton inquired.

"No. We have three of them." The woman said. "One of the organisms got out of containment and it's missing. We don't know which one."

At the accident, bodies were covered up but a woman called over a few people towards pen do the astronauts, the Lift Foundation watching and waiting.

"What is she saying?" Carlton questioned, not understanding the language.

"One of the astronauts is still alive." A man stated.

The woman bent down to help the astronaut who was coughing.

"That's Jameson." Carlton said.


The sirens to the ambulance Jameson was in halted as it swerved down, heading to the hospital. The woman who had helped him was getting some medication. Jameson's eyes snapped open and he sat up stiffly on his gurney, his eyes completely white.

He outstretched a hand and a silver goo spread over his arm, wrapping around the woman's head and she gasped, choking as it seeped into her skin. With his second arm, another tendril came from him and choked the driver, pressing his head to the headrest.

The ambulance rolled over multiple times until it finally stopped completely on its side. The woman ripped open the ceiling of the ambulance, walking out calmly. The wound on her leg sealed up with some black go.

She looked down at the patch in her hand that read Life Foundation.


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