Protect the Human

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"You are saying..." You trailed off. This was the last thing you'd expected. "I THINK THAT YOU CAN SAVE US, HUMAN OF SNOWDIN." Papyrus pulled out a key, unlocking the door so that you could leave. "SAVE ME AND SANS AND THE REST. BUT YOU CAN'T DO IT ALONE... YOU WILL NEED A GUARD." Papyrus hummed thoughtfully. "YES INDEED. AND I HAVE JUST THE SKELETON!" You looked at Papyrus uneasily. "And how do you know that said skeleton won't kill me on assignment?" You and Sans may have been friends once, but Papyrus just said himself that Sans memories had been messed with. "MY BROTHER LISTENS TO ME, HUMAN, IF I ASK HIM, HE CAN'T SAY NO. BESIDES... HE CAN'T LET MY FOOD SOURCE GET TAKEN BY SOMEONE ELSE NOW, CAN HE?" Papyrus mused. You really didn't have much choice, did you? You were going to have to trust Papyrus and in extention, Sans. "Ok... talk to him. What if I CAN'T help though? I mean... my whole plan was try and fix the C.O.R.E, but there is no garentees that I can.." Papyrus patted your head, much to your surprise. "YOU WILL FIGURE SOMETHING OUT, HUMAN! I HAVE THE UPMOST CONFIDENCE!!"


Papyrus really was something. After your confidence boost, he'd picked you up and carried you into their house. He plopped you on the couch and marched upstairs, presumably to speak with Sans. You took in your surroundings. You couldn't see any blood in the candle lighting, though you could see the faintest traces of nail marks on the floor, most likely from someone trying to escape. The green once familiar couch you sat on was torn, you didn't want to know the what's or why's. You thought to have a look around the old place, you'd missed it dearly, but with your fate still rather uncertain, you resigned to awaiting the final decision. Then you heard it. Tap tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap tap. Tap tap tap tap tap. Over and over again from above you. Slowly, ever so slowly, you raised your head to look up and from the railing, you saw one large, red, glowing eye, staring right back down at you. "Hey.." He paused in his tapping, the red light in his left socket disappearing, making you assume he'd narrowed it. You couldn't tell in the dim lighting. "hi."


Slowly, he turned to the steps and walked down the stairs, not a creak was heard, just eriee silence. His axe, you noticed, was rather loose in his grip, the hilt resting on his clavicle and the blade mere inches from his face. He didn't seem to care though as he sauntered over to you, removing his axe from his shoulder. Your eyes trailed after the weapon as he rested the blade side down on the ground while he leaned on it, casually crossing his legs. While his left arm held his weight up, his right reached absent-mindedly into his dark right socket, scratching at its interior. "so my bro wants me to keep you alive for whatever reason. i have a slight problem with that though, i don't need you deteriorating and not giving him enough to last awhile. so what do you think. is there really a reason for me to keep you alive?" His left socket became half lidded, waiting for you to give some piss poor excuse for you to stay alive. "Papyrus thinks I can fix the C.O.R.E. I do know the basics, hell barely even that, on how it works, but otherwise, I'd probably be more useful as food, as much as I hate to say it."


Sans looked... you weren't sure how to explain it. Maybe because he seemed to be trying to hide it. A mix of suspicion, curiosity, amusement, uncertainty, maybe even a bit of surprise. He couldn't seem to read you though. You held that same pleading look that he couldn't even begin to fathom. He wasn't even sure if you were aware that you were still giving him that look. Then there was the fact that you actually told him that you WOULD be more useful as dinner. You also said you knew about the C.O.R.E, as little knowledge as it was, it still had his attention. Though there was no way to get to the C.O.R.E and Waterfall was an extremely dangerous place to enter, even for the likes of him. MK was a real nasty one to deal with and very few had ever escaped The Horde. He couldn't use magic like he used to, not with how low it was. He only had enough to sustain his body and soul. All monsters did.


"i guess you really are lucky. the moment i find it convenient, i'm killing you though." Sans warned, picking up his axe and leaving you in favor of going outside. To do what, you had no clue. Feeling eyes on you, you looked up again to see Papyrus beaming. "I KNEW YOU WOULD PASS HIS TEST HUMAN! GREAT JOB! IF YOU'RE TIRED, YOU CAN SLEEP IN MY ROOM SO YOU FEEL SAFER, I ASSUME YOU ALREADY KNOW WHERE THE BATHROOM AND KITCHEN IS." You gave a nod. "Bathroom is the door at the way end upstairs, kitchen is just beyond that doorway, and the bedrooms are also upstairs. Is yours the first or the second one still?" Papyrus tilted his skull. "I USED TO STAY IN SANS ROOM? THAT DOESN'T SOUND VERY APPEALING." You couldn't help chuckling a little. "Yeah you, Sans, and I used to share the second room back in the day while your dad slept in the first. I'm not shocked you don't remember since you were just a baby." You told Papyrus as you snuggled into the couch. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not stealing your bed. Goodnight Papyrus... and thank you."

The Human Of SnowdinWhere stories live. Discover now