Deep Thoughts

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Sans picked you up and carried you back to the hospital beds. The Amalgamates didn't come to bother either of you any as he laid you down and tucked you in. "you're ok now, you're safe. i won't hurt you, i won't let anything hurt you." He brushed his phalanges against your cheeks. With hesitancy, he left you alone to think. He didn't leave the room or anything, in fact, he was sitting on the other bed, knees drawn to his chest, arms wrapped loosely around them and head propped up on them as he stared at nothing in particular. You actually found it unbelievably cute. You weren't mad at Sans for losing it. The lizard monster thing had definitely wronged him in the worst way possible, but that had definitely been something you HADN'T wanted to see. It had throughly scared the absolute shit out of you. Both figuratively and literally. You closed your eyes, with a quiet hum. He was being sweet to you. He was genuinely scared himself. Scared of you fearing him, hating him. After a break, you would have to let him know you were still on good terms. He was your best friend, after all.


He knew you. You looked wide eyed at the skeleton before you. He was easily 3 inches, maybe 4, taller than you. A bone spawned in his hand. "dirty prince killer!" He spat with venom. You scurried away. "K-killer?!" You ran at him. He wasn't expecting that. "h-hey! w-what are you-" and hid behind him, holding his thick blue hoodie. "W-where..? Where's th-the killer..?" He realized that you were just as scared as he was. You were a human... but a young one.  "uh... it ran off.." He replied slowly. "how 'bout i treat that, an' we can play a game?" You gave a small smile and nodded. "i'm sans, by the way."


Sans had known you for a long time. Sans pinned you again he grinned triumphantly. "you're not very good at this game, are you?" Sans asked. "I guess not.." You replied with a defeated sigh. "we can play something else, if you want. maybe something a little more fair?" Sans offered, helping you up. He brushed snow off you and himself. "No, no. Practice makes perfect." You insisted. "that's true. hey i've got a question. how old are ya even? i'm six." Sans asked curiously. "My age..? Well I'm a year younger than you. I'm five!" Sans puffed out a laugh. "no wonder your so short, you shortie!"


But why now? You smiled at Sans and tagged him. "You're it!" He gasped dramatically, making you giggle. "how dare you use my promise to your advantage! c'here ya shorty!!!" Sans chased after you and you screamed. "no mercy!!!"
"I need mercy though!" You didn't dare look behind you. "nope, you need tickles!" That made you run faster. "NO TICKLES!!!!!!" Sans grinned deviously. "i am the ultimate tickle monster, you should have treated my promise seriously, [Y/N]!"
"I was! I promise!" You cried and face planted in the snow. Sans, true to his word gave no mercy as his phalanges scribbled against your sides making you gasp and laugh and try and squirm away. "N-no! N-nohoho! M-mehererecyyyyyy! P-please!" But he refused.


Why was he remembering now..? Sans pupils shrunk. "d-dad!" He pushed you behind himself in a futile attempt to hide/protect you. "w-what are you doing here?" He smiled as if there was nothing wrong, but he knew he was so screwed. "I took the day off to spend time with my sons, but one of them wasn't home. So. Why ARE you hiding a human in the forest?" Sans dad asked. You blinked. "i swear, she's not like other humans! she's a great friend and only a child! she's younger than me! don't kill her!" Sans pleaded.


Was it because your relationship was on the line? "hey [Y/N]..?" You looked at Sans from your spot playing with an animal farm. "Yeah?" He snorted at your choice of toys. "i was wondering if you would like to drop my bro off and we could start that tunnel we were talking about?" He took Pap so you could get dressed as well. Then you made sure the baby himself was swaddled and ready, and left for Grillby's. You felt eyes on you as you walked through town with Sans. He took your hand in a form of comfort.


He'd broken his promise.. Sans didn't want to say goodbye. So he made a promise instead. He wasn't sure if she was asleep or awake, it didn't matter. "i promise, [Y/N], when monsters make it to the surface, i will find you and we will play again, like old times. until then, i won't forget you and spread your memory, human of snowdin."


"Sans." Said Skeleton jolted from his deep thoughts, looking from the hand you had pressed firmly onto his shoulder to your face, a bit tired, but otherwise smiling and happy to see him. "Hey, you looked pretty lost in it. Are you ok?" Were you kidding? "i should be asking you that. need a change of clothes?" You shook your head. "Already changed. Ready to fix the C.O.R.E?" Sans nodded, feeling highly relieved. Things were ok. You were ok. You weren't mad. "i'm sorry." He was still going to apologize again. "It's ok, Sans." You were naturally going to forgive him. You held your hand out to him and he took it. You pulled the short, scrawny Skeleton up and onto the floor. "Let's finally fix this." You flashed him a determined smile... but he didn't smile back. In fact, he was looking more scared and pissed than happy. Great. "Now what?" He growled. "she's here."

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