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You and Sans walk (hobbled) through Waterfall, the monsters avoiding the deadly Skeleton even if he wasn't holding his beloved axe. "next time we convene, we need to discuss a new ferryperson.." Sans grumbled as he glowered at the staring, drooling, apparently still hungry monsters. "back the fuck off!" He snapped, done with them looking at you like dinner with his daughter as desert. They scattered immediately. "I'm sorry Sans, if shortcuts didn't  make me nauseous-"
"it's fine, just means you're getting close." Sans replied. You had been at home in Snowdin, doing what you and Aliza were assigned as you had been doing for the past two weeks, but Sans decided that it was time to check up on the baby. He'd tried to shortcut you there, but you'd immediately gotten sick when he tried to guide you into the tear. Thus now you were walking through Waterfall because the ferryperson was no longer there, the boat, sunken. "It looks so beautiful, Sans.. I missed this.." You changed the subject, looking up at the glowing crystals. They'd only grown brighter since the C.O.R.E turned on. "..." He looked up as well. "yeah... it is.." He murmured.


You panted as you took a break. You admittedly haven't gotten very far. A small ways past the first Waterfall. Sans looked around for monsters, but there was none within his sight. He knew they were close. He could hear them. He should have brought the damn axe. "Sans.. I don't think they are dumb enough to go near you." You reasoned. "good. cause if they try to hurt you, i'm killing them." He growled out before walking over and slinging an arm around you with a tense sigh. "Sorry you can't relax.."
"you're apologizing a lot. it's fine, i'd rather you and the kid be safe." His gaze flicked around before they flicked back to you as you worked to stand. He helped you up. "you sure you're ready?" You nodded as you stretched. "Yeah, let's get out of here before I go into labor or something stupid like that." You half joked, though it was a very real possibility. Sans gulped and nodded. "yeah, great point." Thus you started to waddle away once more with Sans walking obediently at your side.


He held the tattered umbrella over your head despite you trying to tell him you could hold your own umbrella. "I'm pregnant, not helpless.." You grumbled. "oh i know. i just like helping you." San purred. You stopped with a gasp, wincing in aparent pain. "[Y/N]?!" You were panting again. "S-Sans... not to alarm you... but contractions have started. I might be going into labor soon..." Sans froze. "ffffuuuuck." There was a sense of urgency to your pace now as the rush to get somewhere safe began. "You probably already know this, b-but we're not making it to the lab." Sans cursed more in Wingdings as he thought of the ONE safe place in Waterfall. "wanna double back back to the spot?" You nodded. "We're gonna h-have too. Th-the contractions are getting c-closer together. I-it can't be l-long now b-before m-my water breaks." Thus you turned around to try and make it back to the secret room. Your water did break at some point in the rainy area and the Skeleton with you decided it was best to carry you the rest of the way. Somehow he did it too, with nothing more than an occasional grunt as he carried you and the child that wanted out.


He rested you on the bench, panting a little as he disappeared to reset the puzzle and gather some stuff to deliver the kid with. He was back within minutes, but it felt much longer to you. "hey, hey, just breath for me, k? i'm not leaving you again, k?" You nodded, taking shaky breaths while he laid down a towel and a bucket of hot water with a assumably clean rag in it to wash off the baby. Another towel was set off to the side, presumably to dry her and a blanket beside that to swaddle her. "ok, i'm gonna move you here and remove your clothes now." Sans instructed. "you just keep breathing, sugar." He did just that, checking how dilated you were after the fact. "at the next contaction, i want you to push, understood?" You whined at him. He took that as a positive response, taking your hand so you could squeeze it. "that's it, there we go. just gotta keep doing that and she'll be out in no time!" Sans encouraged. You panted and nodded. It's not like you could stop now.


So... giving birth wasn't so fun. There was plenty of screaming and crying on your end, but at least it was over now as Sans washed and dried the human looking child who had started wailing herself. Sans laid her on you to feed and laid the blanket on top of you both before sitting where you could put your head in his lap. You didn't have the energy to really say or do anything. "you should rest... you know i won't let anything happen.." You didn't argue, closing your eyes immediately to sleep. Sans gaze drifted to his daughter, brushing his hand ever so gently across her her little her little head. Baby skin was way smoother than anything he ever felt. It made him worried. Did that mean she would grow up weaker or did that go away over time? Either way, both his girls were vulnerable right now and he was feeling extremely protective of them. He was going to have to move them back home where they'd be safe. They also had to name the little tot. He felt a shiver in his soul. Something felt ominous about the atmosphere.

1 chapter left

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