College Au

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(A/N: After watching Falcon and The Winter Solider I am in love with Baron Zemo.)


Tony, Steve, James, Sam, Nat, Wanda, Peter, and Zemo were all sitting in a café at Avenger Stark University.

Tony, being the self-proclaimed "World's Best Wingman" asked the group who their campus crushes are.

"Steve" Nat exclaimed.

"Oh, Nat thank you."

"No, I meant Steve Strange. He's hot"

"You aren't my type anyway" Steve said side-eyeing her. "Peggy is my crush. And she is way hotter than you" Everyone laughed at their interaction.

"Vision is cute." Said Wanda.

Yeah, I like MJ." Peter Said.

"If I may, I am not quite sure why you are all telling this to Tony." Said Zemo. "I don't trust him as far as I could throw him." James said agreeing with Zemo.

"Awe come on bros. Y'all can totally trust me." Tony said as he got up and sat between James and Zemo on the other end of the table. "I won't hold anything against you" "Wow, Thank you." Zemo said sarcastically.

As Zemo finished his sentence, Megan Johnson walked by catching James' eye. Megan is ASU's lead Majorette dancer. She is super friendly and greets them whenever she sees their friend group. Not to mention, she's is the prettiest girl on campus. James stopped himself from staring and smiled to himself.

Peeping this, Tony gave James his two cents, "You know, I always thought you and Zemo had a thing for each other, but I never knew Megan would be your type. Good on you, man."

Ignoring his comment about Zemo, James said "It is nothing but a silly crush."  He shrugged. "I'll get over it soon." 


With this new found information, Tony busied himself and came up with a plan to bring his friends closer to their respective crushes. Their annual college carnival was coming soon. He wanted to open a booth for he and his friends.

The next day, they were in Tony's condo when he mentioned his plans for them during the carnival event.

"I want us to open booths. It'll will be called Kiss or R.P.S." Tony said, feeling creative with his title. "What does that mean?" Nat asked.

"Kiss or Rock Paper Scissor. The idea is that the customer can choose either a peck on the lips/cheek for two tickets or play a game of rock paper scissors, best two out three, for three tickets. However, if they win, they to keep their tickets. And as a personal bet between us only, I'll give a thousand dollars to the person with the most kisses. So, what do you think?"

"That sounds fun. Especially the thousand-dollar bet." Sam said clapping his hands together. The rest also agreed with Sam and was onboard with the bet as well. Some more confident than others.

"And if you manage to kiss your crush, I'll give $500.

"Wow Tony. Feeling charitable?" Steve asked.

"I guess you could say that. I wanna see you all happy." Tony Smiled.

"Awee Tony!" Wanda said dramatically and getting up to hug him.

"Wait, you never told us who your crush is T." Peter said. A series of "yea" "tell us" And "come on, bro" filled the room.

"People people, Tony Stark does NOT get crushes." Tony said giving a playful smirk. 


Part two coming soon! Thank you for reading!🥰

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