Chapter 176

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I really didn't expect to finish this chapter so quickly since I've been a ball of anxiety for the past two days. I needed to write to feel better. Let the chaos begin.

A combined tanakiyo and the kids chapter because I haven't written tanakiyo in a while and arianna_m123 pointed that out. Enjoy  :)

Five 5-year-olds running around the house, laughing and screaming as they played chase. Using the furniture as their playground, Hana, Mora, Yasu, Sayumi, and Sanae took turns tagging one another. Not so much Sanae, as she sort of followed them around with a bored expression. Sayumi, however, was absolutely ecstatic the twins were over as she laughed along with them. She's warmed up to the other pups well and is a lot less shy as time goes on. Milkshake played along with the kids, running around them and adding to the fun. She woofed a few times and darted across the room as they tag one another.

From the couch, Kiyoko and Ryu watched them play. They sat with Takashi and played peek-a-boo with him. His little laugh is the cutest and sounds exactly like his sister's. The couple set up the playdate for Hana, Sayumi, too, since their daughter wouldn't stop nagging them for the twins to come over.

Kiyoko handed Takashi a cold teether to gnaw on. She smiled at him, leaning away when he tired to grab her glasses. "Not this time." Considering he already stole her glasses once that day.

The baby focused on his dad instead. He handed the slobbery teether to him, making Ryu strain a smile, "Oh thanks, bud." He set it aside and wiped his hand on his pants before pinching Takashi's face. It annoyed the baby a bit so he stopped. "You're grumpy just like your mother."

"Ryu, I am not." Kiyoko playfully swatted at his arm. "He doesn't like when you mess with him, you know that." She gently took Takashi's hand when he reached out to her.

Takashi may be less of a crying baby now, but he's still clingy. He hates when Kiyoko puts him down, even if it's to get him food. Ryu has a terrible time leaving for work in the morning because Takashi won't let him set him down. The rest of the pack tries to help out, taking turns holding him, but he's insistent on those two. He's just content in his parents' arms.

"Neither do you," The alpha reached up to grab her face. She retaliated best she could with a baby between them by wrestling him onto the couch for a kiss. He turned his head to dodge a few times before letting her leave a soft peck on his lips.

While the two were distracted, Sanae wandered over and sat next to Kiyoko. She didn't say anything, simply folded her legs underneath her and watched Takashi stare at her.

"Are you okay?" Kiyoko asked the pup. She saw Sanae nod and picked up Takashi to bring him closer, "Are you bored? Do you want to play something else?"

The pup shrugged and played with Takashi instead, admiring the baby.

Kiyoko and Ryu looked at each other and shrugged. They're used to Sanae's habits and leave her alone when she's done being around the other rambunctious kids.

Kiyoko really hopes Sanae isn't being bullied at school anymore. She asked Hana about it and she said she hasn't seen any issues since the day she bit that kid. Now hopefully nothing else is going on her daughter doesn't see, since she is very protective over her friends.

Besides her worries, she wanted to make Sanae as comfortable as possible while over. Kiyoko stood and went to one of the side tables, rummaging in the drawer until she found a booklet. She brought it back to Sanae and handed it to her, smiling when the pup's face morphed with surprise. It's a puzzle book, belonging to Yachi but the beta lets her use it all the time, with a variety of word and math problems.

The pup tilted her head, taking the pen and book to flip through. "Thank you." She's much more content with something like this as opposed to roughhousing. Mora even tried to get her to join again but Sanae kept her usual face and waved her off. Kiyoko helped her with some of the puzzles, just to teach her how to figure out new ones. Sanae appreciated it, she likes the omega because she's calm and very nice.

passive possessive (part 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang