Chapter 197

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Koushi knew his time would come.

He anticipated it, just didn't know the moment it would happen.

After Sayumi distanced herself from Daichi, Koushi knew he wasn't in the clear if she distanced herself again. It snapped him out of his fantasy land of a perfect family behaving perfectly together. Everything isn't going to be perfectly happy all the time. They're going to fight or get annoyed with each other as families do. Sayumi is more sensitive to situations than the average child because of her past and she'll have difficult days like any other child. As parents, Daichi and Koushi will have their share of bad days and inevitably make each other and Sayumi angry.

Expecting the inevitable didn't make it any easier to deal with.

Koushi never felt so far away from Sayumi before. They stood on either side of a canyon, abysmal gap separating them.

The omega knows it's his fault. He snapped at her he other day, for something small and annoying, and she's been distant ever since. He'd never yelled at her before but really scared her when he raised his voice and shouted for her to stop messing with her water glass during lunch. She'd already spilled it once, some of it ruining a few of his papers from work. He refilled the glass but she kept sloshing the water around. He was stressed out from the week, even worse when he had to rewrite the ruined documents, and just snapped.

As soon as he raised his voice and told her to stop, she froze. Her eyes teared up and she darted out of the kitchen and upstairs. Other than when Daichi went feral alpha in front of her, he'd never seen such a scared look in her eyes.

Koushi felt awful. He tried talking to her, joking and offering to play dolls together. Every time though, Sayumi avoided him and kept quiet.

She's never gotten in trouble for something she's done before. She's never been seriously scolded by anyone in the house because she's never caused any trouble. Unlike Hana, when she causes trouble and her parent get after her or give her a timeout. It's never happened to Sayumi before. She minds her actions and doesn't have attitude, she's very quiet and passive.

Therefore, Koushi yelling at her, for the first time she did something wrong, really upset her. Sayumi isn't fearful of him unlike when Daichi lashed out, she doesn't cower or run from him, just ignores.

Koushi finds it frustrating he can't talk to her about it. He told her sorry a few times but she didn't utter a word. There hasn't been much conversation between Sayumi and the other adults either, which makes him feel even worse about it.

"Koushi-sensei." A little voice caught his attention.

He glanced up with a smile to see one of his students holding a paper out. "What can I help you with Honda-kun?"

"I need help with math." The little boy shyly asked.

"Of course," Koushi smiled and took the paper, happy to do his job. His class is a good distraction, the kids made him feel a little less horrible about Sayumi. When he scolds them they shape up or retaliate with attitude.

Seeing Hiroki and Rinako speaking again gave him comfort. He was worried when they got into a fight the other day and didn't talk for a while. Now they're talking all the time. To his dismay, separating their seats in class does nothing. Hiro always finds a way to pass notes to Rin or get up to talk to her. The two kids are less of a distraction when they sit next to each other than when they don't, but they sure are chatty.

"Hiroki," He warned, "Use your inside voice."

"Sorry, Koushi-sensei." The pup ducked his head in embarrassment, Rin snickering next to him.

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