Chapter 180

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New Year's Eve

Goshiki stared out the kitchen window, hands gripped the edge of the sink. He watched the street lamp flicker outside in a repeated pattern. The faucet dripped into a puddle of water in the sink, steady plop plop plop.

A bad memory connected to that sound he dredges up whenever he hears water dripping. Reminded him of the night he tried escaping Kisho six years ago, the first time when he failed. He listened to the faucet drip for hours after Kisho left him bruised and bloodied on the kitchen floor. His body ached and the sound of water became a nuisance as it was all he could hear. He was so scared Sanae wouldn't make it because he was in so much pain. It's a simple sound and reminds him of so much pain and fear.

Goshiki attempted to stop the leaky faucet, running the water and turning the knob, but a steady drip remained. A chill ran down his spine and left goosebumps on his skin. There's something eerie about this night— probably because he has to talk with Kisho. Who knows what the alpha will say to him or make him do. Although something about the night feels wrong, like something is looming over him.

Minutes ticked by, bringing his conversation with Kisho closer and increasing his nerves.

In the living room, Sanae and Kogane sat on the couch watching the new year's parade. There were so many people dressed up, huge themed floats, and tons of lights and decorations. The two are entertained and barely took their eyes off the screen. A bowl of popcorn sat in between them and they took turns crunching on it.

Sanae sat close for once, occasionally tapping the alpha on the shoulder to ask questions. She turned to tap his shoulder, "How much time do they spend making these floats?"

"I'm not sure. I would say a lot of time." Kogane pointed at the screen. "Look! Hello Kitty."

Sanae snapped her head to the screen and watched as the float went by, someone in a cartoonish cat costume waving at the audience. Despite its cheesy appearance she liked the float and all the pink and yellow confetti fluttering over it.

"Hey, Tsu!" Kogane shouted at the omega. "You gotta see this."

Goshiki walked into the living room, phone in hand. He waved the device wearily, "I'm going to call my mom."

Kogane noticed the omega looked more distracted than usual, which means his thoughts are in a bad place. He's listened to the omega talk about his traumatic experiences multiple times over the past couple years. Sometimes Goshiki has to talk about it out loud to get his mind in order again. Kogane is always there to listen to him and he doesn't want his fiancé making things worse on himself if it's not necessary. "Are you sure you want to talk to her?"

"Yeah, I'll wish her a happy New Year or something." He shrugged. Lately, he's lied about talking to his mother. He hasn't spoke with her since that day at the store but she's a good coverup for anything Kisho related.

Seeing as he had his jacket on, Kogane questioned, "Are you going outside?"

"I want some fresh air." Goshiki easily fibbed. "The call probably won't last long. Maybe she won't even pick up."

Kogane reached out and pulled the omega onto the couch for a second. He hugged him and scented him quickly, "If she's mean to you, you can hang up right away." He kissed his cheek. "And we'll be waiting for you when you get back."

Goshiki forced a smile, knowing he'll need to hold them close after the meeting. He can say the call went horribly and he hung up on his mother or something so it seems natural he's upset. "Thank you," the omega pecked his cheek and stood up.

Leave it to Kogane to try making him feel better. No amount of comfort would help his situation, but the thought is nice.

The air outside is freezing and stung his face. He squinted through the wind as it cut at his eyes. The weather is brutal this winter and not looking any better over the next few days. It's bitter cold, snowy and icy. So icy, Goshiki almost slipped walking across the parking lot.

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