Chapter 181

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New Year's Day

Shouyou kept Tobio at a good distance for a while now. They're cordial with one another, surely not as close as they once were, but it works. Kaiya is the bridge to mending their relationship, the pack, too. The more people around them the better.

Christmas was a fun time spent together and as New Year's rolled around, Tobio didn't want the fun times to stop. He invited Shouyou and Kaiya to go with him New Year's Day and was so happy when the omega responded with a reluctant yes.

Shouyou and Kaiya met up with Tobio in the afternoon. They're eating lunch before their shrine visit and afterwards Tobio hopes they can find something else to do rather than go separate ways.

Tobio took the train and walked since Miwa's apartment is closer to the city. Shouyou drove since the pack house isn't close to transportation and it's too far of a walk. To his irritation, a car ride meant Kaiya would be grumpy. She hates her carseat and doesn't like being trapped.

"Looks who's out there." Shouyou pointed out the window when he parked. The grumpy pup in the backseat pouted and crossed her arm, refusing to look.

Tobio leaned against the side of the building, not even noticing they arrived until he heard a little beep. He glanced over, smiled, and waved when he saw them.

Kaiya gasped as she looked out the window and tugged at the carseat straps to escape. However, she couldn't and had to wait for Shouyou's help. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she ran the rest of the way to Tobio and he picked her up.

"Hey, pumpkin." He kissed her cheek and hugged her.

Kaiya smiled and hugged his neck, making sure she smelled like jasmine along with mango. Having both her parents scents around always made her ten times happier.

Shouoyu shut the car door. "Hey. Hopefully you weren't waiting long, Kaiya spilled milk on her shirt before we left then didn't want to change."

The pup pouted, "I want to wear 'ellow," She mispronounced as she showed him her blue shirt under her coat.

Tobio gave her a sympathetic, fake pout, "But you look cute in blue, too."

The three of them headed towards the restaurant, already shivering from the cold.

"Careful of the ice." Shouyou nervously said, hoping Tobio wouldn't fall while holding Kaiya.

"Are you sure the pack doesn't miss you right now?" Tobio skeptically raised a brow..

Shouyou waved the question away, "They're fine. I don't go out with them New Year's day anyways."

The pack is off doing their own visiting, which is normal since Shouyou celebrated news years day alone since Kaiya was born. Just the two of them, which was somewhat difficult the first year since she was only a week old and he was healing. Nonetheless he bundled up Kaiya and ventured out to visit shrines.

Now it's not only him and Kaiya, but Tobio, too.

It's less thrilling to be hanging out with the alpha alone since he uses the pack as a buffer. Tobio is always smitten around him and he finds it difficult to deal with the lovestruck alpha by himself.

He's keeping their relationship platonic and so far it's going well. They co-parent well and get along for the most part. Traces of Shouyou's anger shine through on occasion and he won't let go of the remarks he makes about Tobio leaving. Every once in a while he likes to remind the alpha of his mistakes.

The only thing not so platonic is their friends with benefits relationship. Although Shouyou knows he enjoys it, Tobio is getting too attached. From now on, the omega has decided to stop using him for sex. It'll probably upset the alpha but he's also been understanding with all their other boundaries the omega set.

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