Chapter 189

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January and February passed quickly for Tooru and Hajime. At work, the restaurant busied after making it into a five-star restaurant news article— everyone wanted to eat there. They had to train a couple new hires as their boss left the prefecture for a business meeting, looking to expand. At home, the kids were stir crazy. Mora was beyond bored not being able to go to school and Yasu became unbridled with jealously his sister spent all her time with their parents or grandparents.

Yasu became a little devil at home but a perfect angel at school. No one quite knew how to handle his anger as he ignored them and tormented his sister. He quit bringing home worksheets for her and wouldn't tell her a single thing about school. Mora heard Sayumi joined his class and she asked so many questions about the other girl. He answered nothing and shoved her away or kicked her out of his room.

So, the twins bickering didn't help Tooru or Hajime's already stressful schedule. As soon as Mora returned to school mid February, things got a bit better. Hana, Sayumi, and Sanae were able to resolve the siblings' rift at recess. It wasn't easy as they wanted to play games and compete to see who is the best. Hana managed to get them to tie in the end and say they're both the best.

Mora's pneumonia subsided after a few weeks, but her parents' worries didn't stop. Every time she coughed or seemed to be out of breath, they hovered over her. Under normal circumstances, she would love the attention, but even she thought their fretting is too much. She can't even play in the backyard without being stopped and asked if she feels okay.

Tooru's health still wasn't the best, but he managed. He got back to work and used a mix of Hajime's scent, their bond, and affection to deal through the day. At the end of the day there isn't much energy for anything else other than dinner and getting the kids to bed.

On the other hand, the babies are doing well. Pregnancy may take a toll on the omega, but it's all turning into a positive, healthy outcome for their second set of twins. At 20 weeks the babies are the size of artichokes, not only that but they're the same size. Growing at the same rate is a good sign considering the complications last time and they hope the babies stay the same size throughout the pregnancy. He can tell he's carrying heavier this time as he already can't see his feet.

They kick Tooru constantly, just as bad as Yasu and Mora did. These two move quite a bit, even before the 20 week mark he could tell they're rambunctious. Although he can't tell if they're playing or fighting, maybe both. It's hard for anyone else to feel at this point, but he is all too used to it. He doesn't mind though, as it's a sign they're doing okay. What irritates him is them moving all hours of the day, especially when he's trying to sleep— makes him restless.

"We're going to the aq-rium!" Mora shouted with her arms in the air.

"It's pronounced aquarium," Yasu drawled. He got a shove from her as she giggled and ran ahead.

Tooru hit the button on his keys to lock the car just as Mora pulled the handle. She playfully whined and he laughed, giving into unlocking the car per her request. Yasu wasn't so giggly but he saw through his stuffy attitude, noticing the twinkle in his eyes as they talked about the field trip. Meanwhile, Mora is as cheerful as can be to get out of the house. "Do you two have your lunches?"


"What about your backpacks?"

"But mama, we don't need backpacks on field trip day."

"Right, right," He smiled. "Remember to stay with the group, and you can hold my hand any time you want."

To the twins' excitement, he's one of their chaperones. Along with Goshiki, even though Sanae insisted he stay home, Daichi, and a handful of other parents. The three of them would mostly be watching after their little bunch— Yasu, Mora, Sanae, Hana, and Sayumi— but they would look after the other kids, too.

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