Chapter 200

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Holy shit we're at 200 chapters y'all!

Bokuto Koutarou is not a violent or aggressive alpha. He has his moments of biting back at people when they provoke him, but even then he keeps a clear head about the situation.

There's only once he reacted to a situation violently. When he was younger, around 7, his older cousin used to pick on him at family gatherings. Said cousin would make fun of how Koutarou followed his mother around and kept to her side. He called him a baby after cornering him away from the adults and shoved him around. It aggravated Koutarou to no end and family events became dreadful for a while. He got so fed up with his cousin's torment, he lashed out one day and punched his cousin in the jaw. Since he was young he didn't do much damage, but he bruised his cousins face and got him to stop his torment. That's the only time Koutarou's gotten physical and actually hurt someone.

As a child he justified his actions because his cousin antagonized him, but as an adult he knows that wasn't a good way to handle the situation. For years he handled all his issues with words, pheromones or other non-physical manners.

He doesn't like violence and he wouldn't hurt a fly— until now.

The night is chilly, but the alpha is warm under layers of identity-concealing hat and gloves. Dressed in all black, as inconspicuous as possible, he stood in the shadows. His car is parked a few blocks away in an abandoned alleyway. The motel's parking lot is empty except for a a few cars, so he didn't want to draw attention with one more. There's only a few people staying at the motel. All drug users, dealers, or prostitutes. He's been watching long enough he knows the guy working the front desk is skeevy and makes shady business deals to take advantage of the customers' stay.

It's a dangerous territory and if anyone were to catch him, he'd have to keep from getting into a fight. Although as he's seen, some of the ruthless dealers don't ask questions before they throw fists, or worse, pull the trigger.

Koutarou has no interest in them though, he's kept his eye on one person in particular.

The police couldn't do their job correctly so he took matters into his own hands. Whatever it takes to keep Keiji and the kids safe.

Nights of the past two months have consisted of creeping through the shadows. Keeping tabs on Kisho is an obsession. Losing sleep is worth knowing Kisho is far away from his family.

The alpha hasn't crept near the Bokuto household, probably because of the infrequent police activity. He can't risk getting caught and questioned again, he'd look too suspicious.

Some places Kisho disturbs are familiar, some not. He's watched the alpha purchase drugs multiple times and participate in other illegal activities in parts of town he hasn't been to before. Sometimes Kisho sells the drugs he buys, other times he steals a car. Koutarou also witnessed Kisho lingering around Goshiki's apartment, Semi and Terushima's house, and a few other friends' places. He doesn't stop him or get involved but is ready to if the alpha decided to strike.

Each time he's stalked Kisho stalking Goshiki, it makes his blood boil. He's witnessed the alpha go into the omega's apartment building multiple times and knows something terrible is happening. It makes him sick to sit and do nothing but he can't get involved. He has to be patient so that Goshiki, and everyone else, can be safe in the long run.

Koutarou hid behind the building as he watched Kisho's room door open and a man walk out. It's one of the usual dealers Kisho buys from. He drops by every Wednesday at ten, he learned, and often times the two get into fights. Koutarou doesn't know about what, he's very unfamiliar with the drug world. Although the dealer could be the perfect fallback to pin Kisho's murder on. He's so close to snuffing the alpha's reign of abuse and terror he can almost reach out and grab it.

Koutarou grit his teeth and cracked his knuckles, eyes staring forward devoid of their usual innocent glow.

Alpha instincts are hard to control when it comes to protecting family. One thing is on his mind and that's to kill Kisho. This has to end once and for all otherwise his family is going to fall a part. They're already barely holding on since they're so terrified Kisho is out roaming free, waiting to strike again. Therefore, Koutarou's feeling rather violent and wants to act on those emotions to comfort his family. Something completely unlike himself, but it's not bothering him. He's accepted this is okay and what he has to do.

Koutarou's been in a haze, mind focused on one thing and that's to keep Keiji and their kids safe.

He's come up with a plan to make the pain go away, make Kisho's torment go away. The plan isn't smart, legal, or full-proof but it'll do. He can only hope it works.

Flashbacks of his hands covered in Keiji's blood, Hiroki waking up screaming in the middle of the night because of a nightmare, their terrified family suffering months after the incident. None of them have been the same and they're only getting worse.

Kisho has to pay for all of it one way or another. For stalking everyone, for stabbing Keiji and scaring their kids, for the abuse Goshiki endured for so long. Koutarou is going to make him pay. He's running on instincts that tell him to protect his family and kill the threat.

Koutarou balled up his fists and narrowed his eyes into the night. He took a few deep breaths to ready himself before taking a step forward.

A figure emerged from the other side of the parking lot and approached Kisho's door.

Koutarou's eyes widened as he recognized Goshiki standing on the step, fidgeting and glancing over his shoulder nervously. The omega knocked then entered Kisho's motel room when he answered.

For as long as Kisho jumped from shitty motel to shitty motel, Goshiki has never once visited him. So why now? Koutarou has a bad feeling about how the night is going to play out.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

I forget who guessed Bokuto as the stalker, but you were right.

Also part 2 has over 3k reads which is crazy! Thanks everyone for sticking with the story, I really love it and I hope you do too.

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