Chapter 195

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A silent, residential neighborhood poorly lit by street lamps. Empty streets except for parked cars in front of lightless houses. No one lingered outside this late at night in this part of the city. Houses silently sat, shops down the street are closed for the night, no cars passed by, and everyone tucked in their cozy beds at home.

The only activity came from a dark figure strolling alongside parked cars, checking every handle. An unlocked car meant a ride back to the shitty motel on the outskirts of town. Crime— something a very violent, vile alpha is all too familiar with.

Kisho moved through the quiet neighborhood, wanting to wreak havoc any way possible. He thought he was the only person around, unbeknownst to the pair of eyes watching him in the distance as he went around checking for unlocked car doors.

From the shadows, the eyes tracked his every move. So silent and in the background, like he's not even there. Silent but plotting.

The neighborhood is familiar. Semi and Terushima live a few houses down from where Kisho lingered, having just left there.

Kisho was unaware someone watched him the entire time he cased Semi and Terushima's house. He took a few more pictures through the couple's bedroom window of them arguing. While watching, Kisho chuckled to himself thinking about showing Goshiki just how close he was to his friends. Threatening the omega would be even better, saying how he could easily break in or wait for Semi to step outside so he could strike. He's still keeping tabs on all of Goshiki's friends.

The other day, Kisho watched the red haired one he hates so much. He remembers seeing him with Goshiki in court when he was first convicted and sent to prison. That omega is usually by himself, just his daughter and him, so it makes him an easy target. Kisho planned out a way to torture the omega to send Goshiki a message. He's fed up with that brat not listening to him as well as he used to.

A dark grin spread on Kisho's face as he found an unlocked door. He swung it open and paused to see if an alarm would sound, then reached in to fiddle with wires. He'd hot-wired cars before, it'd been a long time, but he knew he could do it.

A distant sigh of defeat soundlessly came from the shadows, unable to stop him. As wrong as it felt to watch the alpha steal a car, interfering would bring harm. Just wait, observe, and plan.

The pair of mysterious eyes watching the alpha burned with hate. Everything is infuriating when it comes to Kisho. He causes trouble, pain, and could even bring death if he so chooses. That's Kisho's goal, and he's gotten too close to achieving it. Anger and revenge were the only two relevant thoughts. Anger for all the pain and torment Kisho caused. Revenge to finally give the alpha a taste of his own medicine. He needed to know what it felt like to be preyed upon and hurt.

Kisho successfully hot-wired the car and inconspicuously drove off in the direction of his motel. Leaving the neighborhood undisturbed.

His stalker stayed behind, watching him go. No way to follow him on foot now. For the past week all their excursions have been on foot making it easier but tiresome to follow. He's not done watching the alpha though. Watching with evil intent, the same evil intent Kisho watches the others with. He hopes that bastard goes back to his motel without causing anymore trouble.

Some nights, Kisho goes into the city to blend with the nightlife. He goes to bars, meets people in back alleys to buy or sell drugs, and picks up prostitutes to take back to his motel room. The drugs are becoming a more frequent, dangerous thing. Following Kisho around the city was challenging enough without the added eyes of drug dealers and gang members keeping an eye out for their surroundings.

However, he didn't always stalk him at night. Sometimes, he followed the alpha around in broad daylight, feigning a normal day of errands. Many days, Kisho hung around places to deal drugs. He'd bum cigarettes off of people and walk past street vendors with his sticky fingers. A true criminal through and through, all the way down to petty theft. He'd get into fights with people, not enough to attract police attention or get himself in trouble, but argumentative nonetheless. Although police naturally getting involved would be perfect. No one for Kisho to blame if he got his ass sent back to prison— though he'd find someone to blame.

It's not easy to stay calm while trying to be discreet and vigilant. Kisho came close to spotting him a couple times which would spell disaster. If Kisho saw him, all hell would break loose and the plan would be ruined.

After a couple close calls, he became more mindful of where he followed the alpha and at what times. As to not get caught by the alpha, three rules stood. Stay hidden, never make a sound, don't intervene. It's a game of patience.

Sounds easy like what's in tv shows and movies— wrong. Way more difficult and focus inducing to keep from getting caught. Although it'd be worth it. Taking note of Kisho's routines, connections, where he's living and what he's doing when he's not terrorizing people is a part of the plan. All of it will be useful to put an end to the alpha's hold he has over everyone. To let their lives carry on without constantly checking over their shoulders to stay safe.

Kisho stalks people, ready to hurt them at any moment. The fact that he's unaware he has his own stalker looking to hurt him makes it all the more satisfying. Waiting for him in the background, lurking in the dark is his own well deserved undoing.

Who is the stalker??? I hope y'all are ready for the crazy shit happening soon :)

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