Side Chapter 18

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The beginning takes place when Waimi is a baby and Atsumu is a third year in high school. He babysits her and it goes terribly.

9 years ago

Atsumu had his hands full of baby stuff: diaper bag, stuffed animals, baby blanket. He juggled everything, balancing the bag on his shoulder and hearing how the baby needs all these things— all while holding the baby.

Waimi cooed in his arms. She's dressed in a summery jumper, scented strongly by plum and hazelnut. Her little hand clutched a ring of plastic keys and clattered them around.

"Sorry you can't watch her at the house," Kita rolled his eyes, "I didn't realize Beniha was throwing a party the same night." His pesky older sister knew Atsumu planned to babysit Waimi at Kita's house while he went out, but she invited a ton of her work friends over anyways. Her reckless attitude is why he doesn't trust his sister to babysit.

"We'll make do here," Atsumu said. Missing a few baby items shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

"Her diaper bag has baby food, bottles, diapers, extra clothes, and her teethers." Aran anxiously explained, "You have to play white noise as she sleeps otherwise she'll wake up in the middle of the night crying."

Kita shoved a couple papers into Atsumu's hand, "I wrote down everything you need to know. But if you can't find something in the notes, just call. Her baby blanket has our scents on it, she gets upset when she can't smell at least one of us."

Atsumu unloaded the baby stuff on the floor so he could hold Waimi up with two arms. "I got this, ya don't have to worry about a thing." He nonchalantly said.

It's the first time Kita and Aran are leaving Waimi to be babysat by anyone other than Granny. Aran planned an overnight date in the city for Kita's birthday, an anxiety inducing thought but long deserved. Atsumu begged to watch the 8-month-old so they could go out on a date. Their first date since she was born so they're long over due.

"Mimi and I are going to have so much fun," The omega assured as he held the baby up in the air. She giggled and pinched his nose.

"If you need anything," Aran stressed, "Anything, just call us."

They trust him, that's not why they're so nervous. It's just that they know taking care of a baby can be unpredictable sometimes and Atsumu hasn't taken care of her by himself before.

"I got this." Atsumu waved them out the door, "You guys have fun but not too much fun. Mimi doesn't need a little brother or sister this soon."

The couple gave him the most annoyed, reprimandable expressions. Atsumu just laughed at his own joke as they said goodbye to Waimi.

Kita kissed the pup's cheek, "We're going to miss you, baby."

Waimi giggled in Atsumu's arms and grabbed onto his blond hair.

"Ow!" Atsumu tilted his head and tried to pry her hand off.

"Make sure to give your Uncle Atsumu trouble," Aran said as he kissed her forehead.

Atsumu finally got them to leave after they stalled for a couple more minutes. He used Waimi's arm to wave goodbye and he could see that they both had second thoughts about leaving.

The two will be a mess at first without her but Atsumu hopes after a while they'll have a good time. He thinks they really deserve a good break, considering they've both worked so hard to provide for Waimi. Their daughter is everything to them, so much so they forget they need to take care of themselves, too.

"We're going to prove to your parents I can babysit you perfectly." Atsumu set Waimi down on a colorful blanket in the living room. She crawled after him when he went to get her toys from the other room. "Hold on I'll be right back."

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